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2012-2013 Performance Management Program <br />Program Component Descriptions <br />Areas of Emphasis / Work Plan <br />Similar to Council goal-setting, it is expected that the Council will meet to review the progress <br />made on previously-established goals. Where necessary, the Council will establish new or <br />refined Areas of Emphasis to ensure consistent progress in achieving these goals. These Areas <br />of Emphasis should serve as the basis for making budget adjustments, but should NOT upend the <br />Strategic Plan or Budget Priorities. <br />The Areas of Emphasis / Work Plan exercise is done on an alternating basis with the broader <br />City Council Goal-Setting process. <br />Biennial Budgeting <br />The City Council should adopt a Biennial Budget based on the Council’s Budget & Program <br />Priorities and the Capital Improvement Plan. The purpose of the Biennial Budget is to give <br />greater emphasis on long-term strategies and goal-setting, rather than short-term desires. <br />Although the Biennial Budget spans over two years, the City must formally adopt an annual <br />budget and tax levy in accordance with State Statutes. The second year of the Biennial Budget <br />should be generally consistent with the first except in extenuating circumstances; and should <br />require only minimal review. <br />Budget and Program Priorities <br />The City Council should establish budget and program priorities based on the Strategic Plan. <br />This should include a Council priority-ranking exercise to determine how financial resources are <br />allocated. <br />Budget Hearing <br />The purpose of the Budget Hearing is to provide citizens with an opportunity to address <br />proposed tax levy and spending plans. The City Council can use this input in determining the <br />preliminary, not-to-exceed levy; and tentative budget. <br />Capital Improvement Plan <br />The Capital Improvement Plan is developed in accordance with the Strategic Plan and in <br />conjunction with the establishment of Budget and Program Priorities. The CIP should span over <br />a period of 10 years at a minimum. The first two years of the CIP should be reflected in the <br />Biennial Budget. <br />City Council Goal-Setting <br />Council goal-setting would be conducted based on the information derived from the Community <br />Survey and Vision. Council Goals should serve as the basis for establishing the Strategic Plan <br />and setting financial policies. <br />10 <br /> <br />