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REQUEST FFOR COUUNCIL ACCTION <br />Daate: May 14, 2012 <br />Iteem No.: <br />Depaartment ApprrovalCitty Manager AApproval <br />Item Description: Award Conntracts for Fiire Station CConstructionn Contract foor Bid Packagge #1 <br />B <br />ACGROUND <br />KK <br />2 <br />TheCCity approveed the Fire DDepartment to seek comppetitive bidsfor the fire sstation consttruction <br />4 <br />bid package #1 on March 19,, 2012. Bid ppackage #1 cconsisted of the followinng items: <br />5 <br />5 <br />Site/earthh work <br />6 <br />Utilities <br />7 <br />Buildingffoundation <br />8 <br />Paving <br />9 <br />10 <br />OnAApril 16, 2012 the Fire DDepartment ppresented thee bid results tto Council, wwith the base bid <br />12 <br />cominng in 20% uunder projectted budget. <br />13 <br />13 <br />Litigaation impactts: <br />14 <br />OnAApril 23, 2012 the City reeceived noticce of the Apppeal Courts decision favvoring the City’s <br />19 <br />positiion regarding the issuingg of bonds foor constructiion of the firre station. Ass part of the <br />20 <br />agreeement with thhe bond undderwriter, thee City is unaable to use boond proceedds until litigaation <br />21 <br />appeaal time frames have beenn exhausted. The timefraame for appeeal of the Apppeals Courtt <br />22 <br />decision is thirty days from thhe date the CCity receivedd notice, which is May 223, 2012. <br />23 <br />20 <br />Thennext City Coouncil meetinng followingg the appealss period is noot until Junee 11, 2012, soome <br />24 <br />threeweeks beyoond the appeals period, thherefore the Fire Departtment wouldd like Counciil to <br />25 <br />consiider authorizzing the awarrding of bidpackage #1 contracts coontingent upon no furtheer <br />26 <br />appeaals related too the issuing of the bondds and meetinng bond undderwriter’s reequirements.. <br />27 <br />25 <br />TheFFire Departmment recommmends awardding the folloowing contraacts: <br />26 <br />27 <br />Contrract # Descriiption/ContraactorContractAmount <br />28 <br />29 <br />0330Cast-Inn-Place Conntract Foundaations$209,7633.00 <br />30 <br />Thomppson Construuction of Priinceton, <br />31 <br />th <br />Inc. 100595 90 St. Princeton, MMN 55371 <br />32 <br />33 <br />PPage 1 of 3 <br /> <br />