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chapter/section have been moved/eliminated, and comments regarding context and/or <br />modified language for consideration. A clean version of the draft ordinance (no strike- <br />out/underlining) has also been provided for City Council consideration. <br />2.0S1010.01-PF <br />ECTIONURPOSE AND INDINGS <br />While there is nothing inherently wrong with this section or the statements under <br />each subsection, the Planning Division, through its research and discussion, has <br />determined that a new purpose statement and findings will better reflect the City’s <br />vision and/or values regarding signage in Roseville, and, in turn, provide better <br />clarity. <br />1010.01: PURPOSE AND FINDINGS Purpose and Findings <br />A. Purpose: The purpose of this Chapter is to create a comprehensive and balanced system of <br />signs which will facilitate communication. It is the intent of the Chapter to authorize the use of <br />signs which: <br />1. Encourage a desirable urban character. <br />2. Preserve and improve the appearance of the city as a place to live, work and visit. <br />3. Work to eliminate confusing, distracting, or dangerous sign displays which interfere with <br />vehicular traffic. <br />4. Promote commerce. <br />5. Provide for fair and equal treatment of sign users. <br />6. Promote efficient administration of the sign ordinance through a complete and <br />understandable sign ordinance. <br />7. Provide for eventual elimination of pre-existing non-conforming signs on a fair and <br />equitable basis. <br />B. Findings: <br />1. Signs are an essential element of any community. Their location, number, size, design <br />and relationship to each other and to other structures have a significant influence upon a <br />community's appearance and welfare, and a resultant effect upon a viewer's perception of the <br />community. Signs serve a useful purpose in communicating a message, whether commercial <br />or otherwise. <br />2. Where signs are not properly regulated, they contribute to visual clutter, confusion, <br />aesthetic blight, and create an unpleasant impression. They may cause traffic hazards and <br />impede rather than enhance commerce. In such situations, signs may fail to achieve their <br />original objective of communication. Failure to appropriately regulate signs may adversely <br />affect the public health, safety and welfare. <br />3. Property and facilities located within the public right-of-way, such as utility poles, <br />benches, hydrants, bridges, sidewalks, traffic sign posts, and similar structures are not by <br />tradition or designation a forum for communication by the general public. The city wishes to <br />preserve these structures for their intended purpose, which is the safe, efficient and pleasant <br />movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the safe operation of utility systems. <br />4. The regulations and prohibitions of the chapter are necessary to preserve items and <br />structures located within the public right-of-way for their intended purposes, and to prevent <br />the visual clutter, blight, and traffic hazards caused by signs. <br />(Ord. 1359, 1-28-2008) <br />PROJ0013_SignRegulations_RPCA_040412 <br /> <br />