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City in writing within 30 days if the exemption described in this Chapter is lost <br />because the renters are not related to the owner as one of the above-referenced <br />relations. <br />907.07. Registration Suspensions and Revocation. <br /> Property registration may be revoked <br />or suspended at any time during the life of said registration for grounds including, but not <br />limited to, the following: <br />1. False or misleading information given or provided in connection with a registration <br />application. <br />2. Failure to maintain the rental property in a manner that meets pertinent provisions of <br />City Code including, but not limited to, Code Chapters 407 and 906. <br />3. Violations committed or permitted by the owner or the owner’s agent, or committed <br />or permitted by the tenant or the tenant’s guests or agents, of any rules, codes, <br />statutes and ordinances relating to, pertaining to, or governing the premises including, <br />but not limited to, the following: <br />A. Minn. Stat. 609.75 through 609.76, which prohibit gambling; <br />B. Minn. Stat. 609.321 through 609.324, which prohibit prostitution and acts relating <br />thereto; <br />C. Minn. Stat. 152.01 through 152.025 and 152.027, subds. 1 and 2, which prohibit <br />the unlawful sale or possession of controlled substances; <br />D. Minn. Stat. 340A.401, which regulates the unlawful sale of alcoholic beverages; <br />E. Minn. Stat. 609.33, which prohibits owning, leasing, operating, managing, <br />maintaining, or conducting a disorderly house, or inviting or attempting to invite <br />others to visit or remain in a disorderly house; <br />F. Minn. Stat. 97B.021, 97B.045, 609.66 through 609.67 and 624.712 through <br />624.716 and Chapter 103 of the City Code, which prohibit the unlawful <br />possession, transportation, sale or use of weapon; <br />G. Minn. Stat. 609.72, which prohibits disorderly conduct; <br />H. Roseville City Code Section 407, prohibiting public nuisances, Section 405, noise <br />control, Section 906, property maintenance, Sections 1004 and 1005, land use and <br />Section 1018, parking; and <br />I. Minn. Stat. 609.221, 609.222, 609.223, 609.2231 and 609.224, regarding assaults <br />in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth degree. <br /> <br />