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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2012 Agendas and packets
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5/9/2014 11:15:08 AM
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5/11/2012 1:57:49 PM
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Carolyn Curti <br />From: Marcy Luedtke <br />Sent: Monday, May fl7, 1U12 9:2� AM <br />To: Carolyn Curti <br />Subject: Marriage Amendment <br />I am unable to make the planned meeting to discuss the marriage amendment due to my school and work schedule. I <br />would like my opinion known. I strongly believe same sex marriage should be allowed. I have lived in Roseville now for <br />12 years. My partner and I raised a son who is now in graduate school. We are like any other family—we both work, we <br />own a home, we volunteer in the corr�munity, we care give for our parents, we raise children, we vote, we pay taxes, etc. <br />We contribute positively to society and we should have the same rights as others. Please take a position against the <br />ballot and uphold the rights of all Roseville citizens. <br />Thank you for seeking public opinion. <br />Marceil Luedtke <br />This message is intended for the use of the uidiuidual or antity la which it is <br />addressed and may coniain inform�tion that is confidential and privileged and <br />ex�mpt from disclosure under appGcable law, If the re�der of this message is <br />not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination. <br />distribution, or copying of this communication is str+ctly prohibited. If you <br />haue received ihis communicatian in error, please contact the sender <br />immediately and deiete it tram your systern. Thank You, little Brothers - <br />Friends nf 1he F_lderly. <br />
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