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NCEA Types of Abuse <br />Page 3 af 3 <br />. the inclusion of additional naxnes on an elder's bank signature caxd; <br />. unauthorized withdrawal of the elder's funds using the elder's ATM card; <br />. abrupt changes in a will or other financial documents; <br />. unexplained disappearance of funds or valuable passessions; <br />o substandard care beir�g provided or bills unpaid despite the availability of adequate fmancial <br />resources; <br />. discovery of an elder's signature being forged for financial transactions or for the titles of <br />his/her possessions; <br />. sudden appearance of previously uninvolved relatives claiming their rights to an elder's <br />affairs and possessions; <br />. unexplained sudden transfer of assets to a family member or someone outside the farx�ily; <br />. the provision of services that are not necessary; and <br />. an elder's report of fmancial exploitation. <br />Self neglect is characterized as the behavior of an clderly persoz� that threatens his/her own health or <br />safety. Self-neglect generally manifests itsel� in an older person as a refusal or failure to provide <br />himself/hersel� with adequate food, water, clothing, shel�er, personal hygiene, medication (when <br />indicated), and safety precautions. <br />The definition of self-neglect excludes a situation in which a mental�y cotnpetent otder person, who <br />understands the consequences of his/tier decisions, makes a conscious and voluntary decision to engage <br />in acis that threaten his/her health or safety as a matter of personal choice. <br />0 Signs and symptoms of self-neglect include but are not limited to: <br />. dehydration, malnutrition, unts-eated or improperly attended medical conditions, and poor <br />persanal hygiene; <br />. hazardous or unsafe living conditions/arrangements (e.g., improper wiring, no indoor <br />plumbin�, no heat, no running water); <br />. unsanitary or unclean living quarters (e.g., animal/insect infestation, no functioning toilet, <br />fecaVurine smell); <br />. inappropriate and/or inadequate clothing, lack of the necessary medical aids (e.g., <br />eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures); and <br />• grossly inadequate housing or homelessness. <br />http:/ Site/FAQBasicslTypes_Of Abuse.aspx 04/23/2012 <br />