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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/16/2012 1:37:36 PM
Creation date
5/16/2012 1:35:10 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 23,2012 <br /> Page 16 <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Munson advised that the fence <br /> materials may be more appropriate for sale as scrap, but he questioned their via- <br /> bility for their use for fencing. <br /> James Cox <br /> Mr. Cox advised that over the last decade, he, his brother and/or his son had all <br /> lived in the home; and he opined that the fence was still usable and not simply <br /> scrap. Mr. Cox offered, once he presented his perspective, to move the fencing <br /> this weekend to a screened in porch or the garage on the property. Mr. Cox <br /> opined that it would have taken him less time to move the fence than to attend <br /> tonight's meeting; and alleged that he felt strongly that Mr. Munson was dis- <br /> criminating against his 24 year old son, the current resident. Mr. Cox advised <br /> that this was based on similar or worse code issues at adjacent properties that <br /> had not been addressed by Mr. Munson, and provided photo evidence of those <br /> issues. Mr. Cox advised that he had respect for his neighbors, and tried to keep <br /> the yard looking well; however, he reiterated that staff had a hidden agenda; and <br /> suggested that his photographic proof more than proved his allegations. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that, now that staff had been alerted to code issues at adja- <br /> cent properties, he anticipated that Mr. Munson would act on reviewing those <br /> properties that would result in a similar process to that for his property. How- <br /> ever, Mayor Roe advised that tonight's discussion was specific to his property; <br /> and further advised that if Mr. Cox wished to pursue allegations of discrimina- <br /> tion, that was an entirely different process as well and could be addressed at a <br /> time outside tonight's meeting. <br /> Mr. Cox advised that the complaint also cited leaves bagged on site; and pro- <br /> vided his rationale in not getting them to the compost site since it was not open <br /> at the time. Mr. Cox alleged that Mr. Munson had personally moved the fenc- <br /> ing and fence posts from their original and more safely stacked position. Mr. <br /> Cox suggested, with encouragement by his son, that he keep a spread sheet of <br /> code enforcement issues within the neighborhood to see how long it took for <br /> them to be addressed compared to the issues on his property; and suggested that <br /> this research would result in his ability to prove age discrimination. <br /> Mayor Roe briefly reviewed the City's code enforcement process, with most re- <br /> solved between staff and property owners, and few ending up before the City <br /> Council. <br /> Mr. Cox asked if it was permissible for him to move the fence within the <br /> screened porch as a resolution. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that he was recusing himself from this discussion,based on a <br /> business relationship with Mr. Cox, and left the bench during the discussion. <br />
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