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2) Why Should the City Encourage Neighborhood and Community <br /> Engagement? <br /> To make for more effective government <br /> • To make better decisions <br /> ✓ To demonstrate the democracy works, thus diminishing public <br /> cynicism and providing a positive attitude to civic affairs <br /> • To develops a sense of community <br /> ✓ To allows authentic neighborhood planning from the grass roots up <br /> to finally occur in Rosevillek <br /> 3) How Can the City Encourage NetthborhoodiFormationTa_:: <br /> By recognir,Acighborhoocr*Vips and civic groups organized <br /> and directed by <br /> Byincorporating-*ighbotrogrouptloto,the city decision- <br /> making process iri--11-xrediblilagfectivetlianner <br /> V BY continuing to ask for from residents and neighborhoods <br /> before it makes decisions <br /> , <br /> V Bylltitdifseratillf7that it has listened, even if the decision is <br /> different from that tmoione by neighbors <br /> 4-Mcow Can the City Engage Roseyille Renters*? <br /> *("Retibs" includes businesses who lease their locations.) <br /> 1 .4:Fy--.,,galthering the electronic and postal addresses of renters for <br /> notification purposes <br /> • By notifying renters on all city matters, such as zoning, in an <br /> equivalent manner as residents are notified <br /> • By encouraging rental units to appoint primary contact individuals <br /> for better information dissemination within the building <br /> Page 3 of 10 <br />