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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 23,2012 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mr. Mayer noted that, based on recommendations of the State Auditor's Office, <br /> best practices for reserves was between 35-50%, this contingency was advised <br /> due to the most significant stream received through property tax levies,with that <br /> first settlement in June, causing municipalities to use up their reserves within <br /> the first six (6) months of a year; and requiring a fund balance sufficient to stand <br /> on its own. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that the City's reserves seemed to be high at 51%. <br /> Mr. Mayer clarified that the City's actual liquid or discretionary position overall <br /> was approximately 43% (referenced on Page 28 of the Comprehensive Financial <br /> Statement) with a total fund balance at $6.2 million, and incorporating some le- <br /> gally restricted funds of$5.91 million and the remainder unassigned fund bal- <br /> ances. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that the City's current fund balance policy was 45%; however, <br /> he noted that contractual services to other cities were included in the General <br /> Fund and those dollars were set aside for those services to accommodate fluctu- <br /> ations from year to year. <br /> Councilmember Pust questioned if those dollars took into consideration any of <br /> those contracts going away(e.g. City of Arden Hills Engineering services); with <br /> Mr. Miller clarifying that the contract was still in place; and that any accumula- <br /> tion of surplus funds would be assigned to engineering services allowing lati- <br /> tude for contracts with other communities and those fluctuations. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Pust on how much the City contracted out on <br /> an annual basis, Mr. Miller and Mr. Schwartz responded that the amount was <br /> approximately$350,000, and that the City currently had double that. <br /> Noting that the $500,000 that was referenced by Councilmember Pust was car- <br /> ried forward based on City Council actions in 2011, Mayor Roe suggested that <br /> there was a cut from the 2011 to 2012 budgets of the $, $700,000 - $800,000 <br /> added to the Capital Improvement Program, with Mr. Miller concurring and not <br /> anticipating any surplus for 2012. <br /> Councilmember Johnson sought further detail on the HRA finding regarding <br /> balances. <br /> Mr. Mayer referenced Page 3 of the Management Letter and recommended ad- <br /> justments to the fund carrying significant notes for receivable balances for low- <br /> cost housing, with the HRA the loaner of those funds and collecting those re- <br /> ceivables. Mr. Mayer clarified that the finding found balances overstated and <br /> the dollars were written down; with some dollars from Ramsey County for fed- <br />