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BMP Summary Sheet <br />MS4 Name: City of Roseville <br />Minimum Control Measure: 2- PUBLIC PARTICIPATIONANVOLVEMENT <br />Unique BMP Identification Number: 2c -1 <br />*BMP Title: Consider Public Input <br />*BMP Description: <br />Comments received at the annual meeting will be considered as they relate to the cities SWPPP. <br />Written and oral comments received during the annual meeting and the 30 -day public notice will be documented <br />with a city response and submitted with annual report. <br />Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: <br />*Measurable Goals: <br />Number of comments received <br />*Timeline%Implementation Schedule: <br />Annual; comments will be accepted through the year <br />Specific Components and Notes: <br />*Responsible Party for this BMP: <br />Name: Pat Dolan <br />Department: Public Works <br />Phone: 651- 792 -7054 <br />E -mail: pat.dolan <br />*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due <br />to incompleteness. <br />wq- strm4 -50 <br />