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<br />VVhen a coner-ete floor is not provided, the <br />,idewalls shall be buried a minimum of <br />~ighleen inches in the ground. _, <br />(e) P:PQV8[ ?yert)1e ~~'ire'pen or kennel <br />,hali be provld,ed. TI")8 cover shall be- c:on~ <br />51ructed of the - same gauge wire or <br />leavier-as the' sidewalls and shall also <br />lave no openings in the wire greater than <br />Iwo (2) inches. <br />(d) An entrance/exil gale shall be pro- <br />vided and be constructed of the same <br />material as the sidewalls and shall also <br />have no openings in the wire greater than <br />Iwo (2) inches. The gate shall be ." ,_ AMENPlVjs.NJ TO <br />equipped with a device capable of being CITY OF ROSEVILLE CODe <br />locked and shall be locked at all limes _ <br />when the animal is in the pen or kennel ORDINAI\ICE 13,34 <br />(4) "Owner" means any person, firm, AN,ORDIN.ANCi: AMf:NDING <br />~orporation, organization, or department TI"'"LE FIVE, SECrION~ 501.16 <br />possessing, harboring, keeping, having , VICIOUS ANIMALS <br />3n interest in, or having care, custody, or <br />THE,CITY OF ROSEVILLE ORDAINS: <br />::ontrol of an animal Section- 1: 'Sectio'n 501.16 of the <br />(5) "Substantial bodily harm" has the _ , <br />meaning given it under section 609,Q2, Roseville City Code is, amended to read <br />subdivision 7a. as follows: . <br />(6) "Great bodily harm" has the mean- 501.16 Dangerous Animals. <br />ing given it under section 609,02, A Definitions. <br />subdivision 8. (i) "Dangerous animal" means any <br />(7) "Animal control authority" me~ns animal that has; . <br />an agency of the state, county, mUnlCI- (a) without provocatiOn, inflicted <br />pality, or other governmental subdiVISion substantial bodily harm on a human <br />of the state which, is responsible for anl- belngon public or private property; <br />mal control operatIOns In Its JUrisdiction. (b) killed a domestic animal without pro- <br />S, Dangerous Animal Registration, vocatloh whileoff the Owner's property; <br />(1) No person may own a dangerous or' <br />animal in the City unless the animal IS (c) been found to be,potentlally dan!; <br />registered as provided in this Section, ous, and after the Owner has notice that <br />(2) The City will, upon application by the the animal is potentially dangerous, the <br />Owner issue a certificate of registration a~imal : aggressively, bites,':altacks, or <br />to the Owner of a dangerous animal if the endangers the safelyof'humans or <br />Owner presents evidence that: domestic animals; . <br />(a) a proper enclosure exists for the " (2)-';'Pot~ntiaIlY-dangerous animal" <br />dangerous animal; ,means any allimal,that. <br />(b) a warning sign, including a warning (a)-whenunprovoked, bltes'a-'humanor <br />symbol for children, has bee~ plac~d on do\t'fi~stiG,'-a,nimal" on,' public or private <br />the animal Owner's property Informing of , prope::rty;, . <br />the presence of the dangerous animal;,' (b),:on more ,than bneoccasion when <br />(c) the Owner has procured a surety; unprovoked,: 'chases 'pf apprOaches' a <br />bond issued by a surety company author- perl?on, including aperson on a bicycle, <br />ized to do business in Minnesota, In a orother'Nheeled conveyance (SUCh asa <br />form acceptable to the City in at least the skateboarg,:scooter,pr the ilke) upon the <br />sum of $50,000 payable to any person streets, sioewalks';or any public or pri, <br />injured by the animal or, alternatively, the vate_ _property, other than the animal <br />Owner has in place a policy of Insurance, O~n'er'i5property,ln an apparent attitude <br />providing the same protection; . !, 'af attack; pr" <br />(d) the Owner. has paid to the City an (c) has a knownpropensny, tendency, or <br />annual fee of $500 in addition to the l dispoi5itionto attack unprovoked, based <br />regular license fee to obtain a certificate i upofl:report,:cprnplaint and/or call for <br />of registration for a dangerous animal service caysi.rlg injury, or~therwise <br />under Ihis section and; threatening the ,~afet('of_h.umans ~r' <br />(e) the Owner of a dangerous. anim~1 domestic animals, .'"' - 0 <br />must have had an identification microchip: (3)" "Proper enclosure" means <br />implanted in the dangerous animal, and) securely confin.edindoorsor in a securely <br />the City has been proVided With the name ,Ioc,ked pen'of kflnnei suitable to prevent <br />of the microchip manufacturer and identk the' animal from _e.s;caping <jndto provide <br />fication number 01 the microchip must be: prqtecti?_n',fo(.the animal ,from the ele- <br />provided to the animal control authority.! mflflts",: t9 _include" adequat,e food, and <br />If the microchip is not implanted by the! water.,' A proper enclosure does not <br />Owner, it may be implanted by the animal: 'indude a porch, p~tio.- or any part ot a <br />control authority In either case, all costs; house, garage,?, other~tructureJhat <br />related to purchase and implantation of; woulD allow the animal to exit of its own <br />the microchip must be borne by the dog'sl vo'litioj),'o(,anyhouse or structure in <br />Owner. _ , L \I\Ihig_hwindows ,we open or in which door <br />(3) Dangerous animal designation! or"w-.indow;screens_are the only barriers <br />review. Beginning six months after ani Which prevent the animal from exiling. <br />animal is declared dangerous; an Owner,- . Such enclosure: shall not allow the egress <br />may request annually that the. am:nal} of th~afli,r:pal:,in ;:lny, manner without <br />control authority review the designation., ",si,<;tancflA pen or kennel for a <br />The Owner must provide evidence that; ,(jog,>?h~lI, fi)ei3l,thE:!' f9110wing minimum <br />the animal's behaVior has changed due to: '~pe~lfi~a'-!ons:;'", .: <br />the animal's age, neutering, envlr~n-! ,'{",),Hal/fla,;lT)inirnurri overall floor size of <br />ment, completion of obedience training, t~irty-two(2)square feel. " <br />that I~cludes modification of aggressive': (~) :SidB\N~J1s shaH have a minimum <br />behaVior, or other factors. U the animal; he,ighJ'Qf_ five (5}-'e~t pnd be constructed <br />control aut~ority finds suffICient eVidence: ;'Of,11_"gaugeorhea:vier~ire. Openings in <br />Ihat the animal s beha.vlor has changed'!Jhewire shall not exceed two (2) inches, <br />the aUlhon~y m~y reSCind the dangerous 'support posts shall' be one and one- <br />amma! desfg~atlon, . 't: quarter~inch or larger steel pipe buried in <br />(4) ,Exemption. A~lmals may, ~o be; thi3 ground eighteen ("18) inches or more: <br />declared dangerou~ll the threat, InJUry, or When a concrete fioor is not provided, the, <br />damage was sustained by a person: sidewalls shall be burled a minimum of <br />\a) who was committing, at the time,a eightei3rllnthes';ih the:' ground. ',; ',.'; <br />willful trespass or other tort upon the pre- (0) A.solJer:Qvel'J'he.enlirejpen,or.kenr:ler,t <br />rnises occupied by the Owner of the;' ,.-",;,1" '':'.'.j-__/c:J',,~,,_",,_, .__~.l.~""", <br />3nimal' , ')\SQ?J\ pp,o/?VldJi9" J.n~pqvW ~,QfI!I;9ft, '?,9Q"(;.; <br />, . .Istrucred._''e- sa"l~ gaug~ wire en" <br />(b) who was provoking, tormentlng'heavJer 'as;"Ih~ _~sideWalls an{j'sheW also <br />3busing, or assaulting the animal or who haVB:.rlo op!3:f1.ings in the wire greater than <br />~an be shown to have repeatedlv, In the . . <br /> <br />past~ prol/o~ed,tOrm~flte{j, ab~sed, or,::" <br />,assayltedthe",.a'nifTli:l.l; oc::,,-,'::');'):: i:,;:;. ,. <br />(c) ,'#ho wasqqpmiltin!;j ~falt,ernPting to <br />commit a crime' <br />(5)Tag,:,-h~.,dflflg!:!rou~ ,animal. regis- <br />tered, Uflde.r _th,i~' se~~iofl_,my~~ ~a_\le',,;:i~ <br />: easily st~fldardii~q, '~agif1eJ'.lti~L:;''- <br />fyingthe ~rifT)al as dangerOLfs'; which:is <br />affi~ed to the animal's cQllar ,at ~II times~ <br />.C,;RegulatJon of PotentJally,Dangerous <br />,Anil11als/:;::,':',-";",,:,::-,:':;;,m;:.-,,:,,,:,:,,>.:,c,;.,' <br />;~', (1) An OW,ner 'of an anim~t thathas 6een:' <br />deterrpineq, to bel?otenti~lty d<:!ngero~s. <br />may be required tOCOfT1P_IY,:':l'i,t~ .arY,oraU <br />of the fOllo)'I'Jn~:,,;: ,::;':__H .','., <br />(a) t.he, Owner may be req~ked; tt) pt)rn~' <br />ptete_an!ma)obediEm,ce, classes. -;:: ',co ..: <br />(b) .the'.Owner shall ke7p.the'animal,~ <br />while on the Owners prope,rt~. ,ina proper <br />enClosure. If. 'the. potentially,- <br />anirn<ll ,:isoutside the'Pfoper :enclo~urei- <br />lQe:anirn"!L, musLbe:_muzzled', a_n{j. <br />restrained,bya SUbst.amia.1 cDf,'in, or, leash, '. <br />which, maY,:not exceeq_si~,;'(6), feet- in, <br />length. T~E:!'~hain or leash must be under' <br />tl1e. cpntrol',ofan indiytcjY~I_,1~:y~a,~~ of <br />age orolde,,:,:,.. .,j,'._',: ,....., :,:._,,'_._ ',:;,' .,,' <br />. (c)," th~: .Owner. shall. be required to' <br />provide proof of current vaccJnatJons" <br />(d) the Owner ofa potentially d,angerous, <br />' aniinalrnust~ave,had anl{jentifrcation <br />micro'chip,,:imptanted in:.the,potentialty' <br />da!1gerous_ anJma!, and th~ Cityh,a~ been <br />prqvi{jed, ~i~hthe name ot the, microchip <br />marlufacturer.' and, identificatJon' number <br />'(}f-'~e, nlicrochip m'ust be provided tcLtHe" <br />.apimal,' co;ntrol authority.: .If}~e ~icr()CI1!p <br />is :roti.mplanled by the ()Ylner,. it m.aY~~; <br />:implaf1(~~9Y-'l1e a_!1im13lpo,nt~O!'aut.hO~tY:, <br />In. either:-case,' all, CO,sti5, relatec!:to:pl,Jr" <br />chase;and, implantation of tDe'mic~~hip <br />must b~borne, by the dog's Owner:':,:,,;;;,:',,' <br />0; Flegulatiq~ ,of.-o~ng~~o,_\J~, ,A,~if'1,13I.~;":i:i <br />(1 ):Ah",O\Vne:r, ofa,da_h~erou~:_, fl:~i,m~1 <br />shall" keep :,the _ ,anirn,al,: while.:o_n~ttiE!" <br />O.....ner~s propertY, in a proper enclosure:: <br />If the: dangerous' animal. i~' ol1t~id~,',the <br />. properenclosure,th,e anirn~l,mu~tbE! <br />rr1u;zled i3ndrestrained by a" substantial <br />chail1'orJ,eash, which may not exsee:dl:?}X: <br />(6)Jee:pn_length. The chain orleash mus( <br />be.under t~e control ofanindjvidu~I;,1a <br />years of age or older. '<:; _;i',;,.,.: ;".',:,,;,," ':. ': y' <br />(2j An OWnerofa dangerous,anJmal, <br />mu'strenew the _ registratlollof Ih,e:Eini(11al <br />a~_~u_aUy.urtili,t ,is deceased: Hene"",al of <br />'regi~tra:ticin rnustlncIUde"pr?O!~f~p~,to~ <br />date. rabie~;va'~cinatiQ,~s':':~,':;:""',::;:'::"':: _ " <br />(3) An Own~r of,8" cfarlger9.u~',arim,al' <br />ry:1us:!.rolify me Cityin writing,ot_th" af)i_T. <br />mal's _cief,'th,pr.,its transfer oulside thaC-itt <br />within 30- days ot death or'transfer;,and <br /> <br />IT)ust, ,e,xe;q\Jte<:in,::~Hi,davit" of., '_d~i3lh or <br />transferas)~g~e$te,dpY)he Clly,.f':+ <br />(4) TheR~y~a~ireqUire; any dangerous <br />animal to be' sterilized at the Owner's <br />expen,s'e.The Owner-milst provide proof <br />J?f sterijj?<lti_orlor~he;:a':llmal-'o, thi:, City. If <br />the: .owner'dpes':' not'have,:,_ t~e'animal'; <br />sterilized, 'the animal"control. authority <br />may have the animal. sterilize~ a_Iso at,t_he <br />Owner'sexpense.,. : ' . :..:~ <br />(5) ThE!. Owner ;ota dangerous, anim~1 <br />who. rent~ property, from another,-rnust <br />notify the property Owner, priQr to signing <br />the lease agree:rnen~ and at the,Ums 9f <br />any le;3se' rene~al t~atthe perso/1 owns a <br />dangerou~ ~nJmalthat will also re~ide at <br />the:property/""'- " , <br />. (6) A, psrso,n-thatse:lIs' adange;rou~ <br />anirnallT1u~t ,notifyt~e purChaser tbatth~ <br />animal has beenidentlfied as dangerOUs, <br />and must also notify the City in writing; <br />prov'Jding", the: new',; qwner's' , name', <br />address an_d t,elephorle numbeL " . <br />(7LThe:City, may seize a dangerous <br />animal!f any of the requirememls_con- <br />tained in: this subdivision have not been <br />met. A seized animal may be reclaimed <br />upon "pEiyment,of jmpo~riding'~and <br />confinement:. costs and' proof _that__th€J: <br />requirenle;nts :of tryis '.ordinance;..wm be <br />met: _A,n"Einhnal, ,nt)t_rfJ~laimeQ' within <br />seven:'days wiH_be,'destroyed, 'and_,the <br />Ov.:,nerw-iUbeliabl~ for all costs incurred <br />ipconfirling anp disposing of the. animal:' <br />(8). Beginning s(~months: after ap~l1h <br />mal is, de:ctareej a (jangerousanimlil; an. <br />Owner may re:qu,est annually that the, City <br />revJewttJe,designati_(1).The ()wner must <br />prOVI_d~!.:,'~yfdf:lnce,: Jbat- the_, animal's <br />behav_i9r-',hal)-' changed due,' too, the, ani- <br />m;Elrs>:- a~~("'n~'uterjng,.. ,efll(jrCl~flleflt, " <br />cpmple'tion::,,_ot obedience. . training:. tha,t <br />includes'~:'fTl()difJcat,ion. ..oC agwessive <br />behavior,':9~ oth~r~act6rs. If the'l.qity finds. <br />sufflcien"CeIJidi:!I1CE'l,,"that the . animal's <br />behElvl(:w ,ras . ~hanged, the.. City: may, <br />rescind.._: the"", __:::d~~gerous,,' ,: animal <br />designation.;,:,..:, '.,.,.,_,:..-,'_ '.,'. <br />(9),..Notwlths~af1~irl!:i, anything In. this <br />subdiv!si,8nt9the contrary" th~,c;ty, may <br />destrQy"'an"'~,niflJ,ar; that has.-, inflipt~d <br />sUb~t.9.ntial,:"or, QrflFt:;,bodily- harr1l'Clr\:',~ <br />humi3flb,eJng onp~~licor Private'property <br />Wjttiout;'provoc~tICl'n,; Destructi9rl:of';lhE! <br />animal may p~cw.~ftephe'anr~al,,?wner <br />has:h~ci,li,r~8:sCl~able,oPP9rtuF'~)pr.!;1 ' <br />hearJpg'_":(,be:fp~~..- a',', de1.,1 (,:(,._"'!;:~~ <br />appoJn.te'lq ?y,t.he ,~jty':"':..'..r, ;t..l..:~ ~ <br />(10):,.[aw:-ienfoxcement;:..,;'''-'' r <br />Nathi_ng ~onJ,am~q in tris~. .,,' ;..'::~1'" <br />apply, to, dogs ... usect for I /:J'" <br />purposes by a law entor, "" <br /> <br />Souie <br />Series) <br />Effecti' <br />Ei.Det <br />(1)Wn <br />,"p(:!~eflfi! <br />usedh'e <br />Ctiiei'Df <br />consutte <br />- <br /> <br />,f'SDufge:.) 'prcl_i,?~n,9~-"'t'jClit~o7.~'QWhef,And persons that have suHered <br />'Series,,!, .-:;':';?"';:'f'::,':'Y";:'}: -.9rdamag~ due t() the anJmal.shatl <br />E~ectlve:Date:, ~~15~02;~"':;":':);'8 iV13nwritten notice of the determina_ <br />:,t':"E;: D13tetTTIJn~tJo,I'J_,of:Status~'fl 1011. ..:.:;:; <br />+(1), Wh~ther an animaJiS"claf1gerp~97:- ? By: Mayor Craig D, KlausJng <br />/:1'0:'en.t,iaUY;cl~rgE!r9~s~ al;~,m,alteirh"I.~)j:{' (flo,sev,m~~evjew: Apr. 18,2006) <br />',u.s_~g, herein:, shan,: be~ ael~rwJQg9~y'}heY("\\,;: ".: ,,:; ;_-.., <br />,C~lef of Police or his orherclesig~~gH.I);:'2Fi:+?;" . ) <br />consultation With;:the_ Cily, Attqrnel:The{,\'>,; . <br />