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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSVES STUDY GROUP <br />GOAL 6: TO IDENTIFY AND REMEDY MAJOR VISUAL POLLUTION PROBLEMS <br />STR.ATEGIES • <br />s Es�ablish tighter standards for outdoor; <br />• Prohibit bil�board advertising; <br />• Establish environmental and aesthetic standards for <br />building and architecture; <br />• Establish highway beautifica�ion standards; <br />• Establish highway screening/barrier standards to minimize <br />, light intrusion into residential neighbarhoods; <br />• Tigh�en appearance standards for commercial and <br />residential property; <br />• Promote an.d advertise the philosophy of "beauty of the <br />environment," appealing to civic pride; <br />• Levy large fines for littering; <br />• Tighten zoning ordinances to ensure integrity of <br />residential n�ighborhoods and functionality of major <br />thoroughfares; <br />• Develop a plan for burying power lines. <br />