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r � <br />1, <br />Appendix A <br />Topics for Public Safety �olumn <br />I. Infarmative Topics <br />a ambulance service - number of runs, response times, 911 vse. <br />b. health care facilities to Roseville residents. emergency rooms <br />and their specialties, after hours care. <br />c. other facilities such as "Fi�t Call far Help" and other telephone services <br />for suicidcs, conversation, abuse, alcohoi, drugs, etc. <br />d. neighborhood watch programs, house security checks, house fire <br />checks, etc. <br />e. who in government handles traffic problems, speeding, etc. <br />II. C�ime Problems - shonld follow a fo�nat such as statisdcs, law, lega� procedures - juvenile <br />and adult, iegal records, restitution, fines, suggested preventative measures. <br />a. shoplifting - number apprehended, consequences of act, cost w public, <br />parents know where ldds arc, have every shopper watch for shop <br />lifters and report to clerks. <br />b. traffic - n�amber of accidents, cause (DWI), laws on speed limits <br />(25 in residential), pick areas and check speeders, etc. <br />recommendations. <br />c. theft - nnmber of thefts - where they occur. common sense rules such <br />as out of sight, out of mind, lock doors and cars - best theft deteaents. <br />d. vandalism - statisdcs, cost, restitution laws an subject, would <br />perpetrators like their property damaged, parents be aware of where <br />chilc3ren are, recreation facilities instead. <br />e. fires - statistics, fire alarm info, where to call, response times, <br />prevention. <br />f. bicycle safety - statistics, laws on bicycle traffic. <br />g. gambling and crime - sratistics, gambling test, where to get heIp. <br />h. murder. assaults, rapes - statistics, prevention, etc. <br />III. Preventative Measures <br />a get ihe public involved in watching for problems, shoplifting, <br />vandalxsm, theft. <br />7 <br />