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White Bear Lake and North St. Paul each contract with one hauler to offer garbage and recycling <br />service to residents. Little Canada contracts with four haulers that each serves a specific zone in <br />the City. Vadnais Heights contracts with a consortium of haulers and the members divide up the <br />service zones. Some cities bill residents themselves others have the haulers bill residents. <br />Officials at these cities say they get very few complaints about garbage service. Joel Hansen City <br />Manager with Little Canada says he takes maybe two or three calls a year from residents wonder- <br />ing why the City has organized collection. Hansen told the Committee that once he explains the <br />benefits of organized collection the residents are satisfied. <br />Mark Sather City Manager of White Bear Lake says every time a contract comes up the City <br />takes a"zero based budgeting" philosophy, essentially charging themselves to prove the City <br />should continue with organized collection. Every time, the answer comes back "yes." <br />In addition to the benefits listed previously, Sather says White Bear benefits because with guaran- <br />teed garbage collection there is less storage of excessive amounts of garbage, and the system can <br />support related public policy choices (e.g. discourage grass clipping generation by charging a <br />higher yard waste per bag charge in the summer months). <br />Sather believes organized collection answers the concerns of those who would prefer to choose <br />their own hauler. For the price conscious, it delivers about the lowest ra�es possible under any <br />system. For the service conscious, the contract with haulers allows for walk up service and <br />subsidies for the disabled. For those looking for extra services, the contract allows for collection <br />of bulky items at a set rate. <br />60-Gallon Rate Comparison <br />Little Canada <br />North St. Paul <br />Roseville <br />Vadnais Heights <br />White Bear Lake <br />White Bear Twsp <br />$ 9.77 <br />$11.58 <br />$14.46 <br />$12.48 <br />$10.60 <br />$11.86 <br />(note Roseville's rate does not <br />include the cost of recycling <br />that is included in the other's rates) <br />Committee members assumed that competition in an <br />open hauling system would ensure residents got the <br />lowest rates. However a survey of Ramsey County cities <br />shows that Roseville residents pay $1.50-$4 more a <br />month on their waste collection bills compared to cities <br />with organized collection. Additionally the cities with <br />organized collection include recycling in their fee. <br />Roseville residents pay an additional $1.75 a month for <br />recycling service. Making comparable Roseville fees <br />$3.25-$5.75 a month higher. <br />Cities with organized collection can also retain the opt- <br />out provision Roseville currently has. For instance Little <br />Canada exempts residen�s who are out of town more than <br />30 days, business owners who take their residential trash and dispose of it in their company's <br />dumpster, and employees who are allowed to dispose of their residential trash in their company's <br />dumpster. Little Canada also offers a senior discount. We have seen in Roseville that that would <br />be popular. Roseville gives a senior discount on water bills and currently 25.8% of water ac- <br />counts receive the senior discount. <br />The City of Hutchinson uses its system of organized collection to steer residents toward reducing <br />.. <br />