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Optiotl5: All include education by the City on the importance of proper leaf disposal and the <br />consequences of leaves building up in storm ponds and lakes. <br />1) Meet the above stated environmental goals by continuing the Leaf Pickup Program with the <br />understanding that avoided costs such as those for cleaning catch basins and gutters offset most if <br />not all of the cost of the program. <br />2) Discontinue the Leaf Pickup Program at a direct savings of approximately $55,000 a year <br />knowing that most if not all of the savings would be consumed by charges for other services such <br />as cleaning catch basins and gutters. <br />3) Increase participation by shifting the fee to the storm water sewer charge on utility bills and <br />pick up leaves from all households. <br />4) EXpand and enhance education campaigns to alert residents to the need to properly dispose of <br />leaves and to fully inform residents of haulers' disposal options and services. <br />Recommendations: <br />Continue the Leaf Pickup Program with the understanding that avoided costs such as those for <br />cleaning catch basins and gutters offset most if not all of the cost of the program. <br />Expand and enhance education campaigns to alert residents to the need to properly dispose of <br />leaves. <br />52 <br />