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dedicated solely to brush. Residents of these communities are charged a fee for disposal of <br />brush. These communities chip the brush, use some for City projects and make most of it avail- <br />able for residents to pick up free of charge. <br />Gene Kruckenberg, Environmental Officer with the City of Shoreview, says residents appreciate <br />having a clean up day they can count on and can schedule around. He says Shoreview takes more <br />calls praising the program than for nearly all other city services. <br />Alternatives <br />Not all cities use a clean up day in a central location. The City of Bloomington runs curbside <br />collection of bulky items. The City is divided into 5 collection zones. On that zone's designated <br />Saturday residents may put out up to two appliances for pickup. Eighty percent of households <br />participate setting out approximately 4,000 appliances each year. Bloomington contracts with <br />BFI for recycling; BFI subcontracts with Arca to collect the appliances. Arca charges <br />Bloomington $15 for each appliance collected. Bloomington charges residents $.'75 a month, $9 <br />a year, on their utility bill to pay solely for the appliance pickup. Bloomington pays Arca <br />$250,000 a year, the City collects $225,000 from residents. Bloomington does not accept elec- <br />tronics or HHW because Hennepin County has a year-round drop off site in the City that accepts <br />those items. <br />The City of Hutchinson has a white goods collection day as part of its garbage program. Resi- <br />dents can place one white good (appliance) and one hard good (furniture item) per household <br />curbside for collection on that one day of the year. Residents call the City's garbage hauler Waste <br />Management to schedule pick up. Residents pay a monthly garbage fee that includes recycling, <br />collection of organics and white goods collection. The fee is based on the size of the resident's <br />garbage container (although Hutchinson offers senior discounts). Current rates are $11.98 senior, <br />$14.83 for a 30-gallon cart, $19.05 for a 60-gallon cart and $25.26 for a 90-gallon cart. <br />Mesa, Arizona also offers white goods curbside pickup. Residents must register, but items are <br />picked up any week of the year on residents' garbage pick up day. Residents are charged $10 for <br />the first appliance, $5 for each additional appliance up to four. City crews also set out rolloffs in <br />residential areas each spring. Residents are advised that they can put appliances, bulky items <br />construction debris and other similar items (no electronics or household hazardous waste) in the <br />rolloff for free. The cost is included in residents' monthly garbage fees. <br />a� ' ��� .;��" . � <br />.�,�,..,M., <br />w -� .-, �- . �. �. �..�.��, <br />�.,� <br />� ��. �.� <br />cling a subsidy to run the site <br />residents. <br />Another disposal option is the Twin Cities Free Market <br />website The website is run by <br />Eureka Recycling (previously named the St. Paul Neighbor- <br />hood Energy Consortium). Metro area residents may use the <br />website to list something they wish to get rid of or to browse <br />for something they may wish to acquire. Eureka Recycling <br />posts the listing and requires that all transactions be free of <br />charge. Anoka and Washington Counties pay Eureka Recy- <br />The subsidy allows County officials to publicize the website to <br />25 <br />