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Solid Waste and Recycling Cali Log - Part 2 <br />Date Caller � Concern <br />2/04 Homeowner Got hauler letter. Is concerned that it doesn't tell thc <br />whole s#ory. Wants garbage to go to RRF. <br />2/04 Hameowner Wants garbage to go to RRF. Thinks organized collectian <br />would be a good idea. <br />2/12 Homeowner Is concerned about what happens to our recycling after it <br />is collected. He works in the indusiry and has heard <br />reports that sometimes material collected is taken to <br />landfills because there is no rnarket for ihe rec clables. <br />3/1 Homeowner Every other week collection of recycling is too confusing. <br />Would refer eve week collection. <br />3/4 Townhome Would like once a week pickup of recycling. She says she <br />resident and her neighbors don't have the space to store two weeks <br />worth of material. As a result many of her neighbors just <br />throw rec clable material in the trash. <br />3/4 Church Wants City's recycling program extended to nan-profits. <br />custodian <br />3/5 Homeowner Is concemed that cnstomer service would slip under <br />organized collection because there would be no incentive <br />to rovide ood service. He likes the current s stem. <br />3/6 Homeowner Would like to see more types of plastic accepted in the <br />curbside recycling program. Would likc the City to do <br />rnore outreach to encourage morc people to recycle. <br />3/11 Homeowner Wou�d like covered recycling bins because inclement <br />weather causing problems with the recycling. <br />3/13 Homeowner Wondering why she pays a recycling fee to the City, the <br />County and the State. Wants to know why the cxpense is <br />not covered by the sale of recyclable rnaterial. <br />3/20 Homeowner Wants a choice of haulers to i�sure good customer service. <br />Also shares a garbage cart with her neighbor. Does not <br />like want an orgatiized collection system where each <br />household is billed whether they share service or not. <br />4/09 Homeowner Would like a senior discount for recycling. Also would <br />like arba e s stem that ke s sma�l haulers in business. <br />4/29 Homeowner Is concerned organized collectian would drive small <br />hauler out of business. <br />5/13 Homeowner poesn't want City to restrict ability to choose. Feels <br />governrnent can do other things to meet environmental <br />goals. <br />