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,� <br />i � <br />7. Clearlydetineyourrhargetothecc�mmittecimanycormmitteesllpunderandlailbccausepf <br />the iack of a cle�r ci��rgQ or any �pe�iflc thar�e �t �►li). <br />2. Cive a cp�Cilit tien� limit !or singl� purpose Con�+rr+tt#tcs and discaurag� �xtensioR�. <br />3. Select the bes� possiblt rnernbc�s tor yau� commltteea, 61vinp due c:ar►�idtrotion to tactors <br />�uth ss sex, rdce, geagraphy,cxp�rtise� i�nd othcrs you dccm important for prnper b�lsnce. <br />�. Ptovlde stbff suppprt it �t a41 possible, ln smetict cornmunitles, CitiYCn ��vlSOl�►6rpUps 11�V$ <br />sometirr►�s becn sutcesslui wlthout escl6ned �t�ff cupport, bLJt �1�L �iAt�CTfl iQe1YlS CO �@ <br />increa�ingly rare. <br />5. baFino th$ relat�vnship co the otaN. Involvc your maaagcr �n declding l�wv to scr.uccure the <br />:dv[�ory cammittee, asslgn its work, and ata�f! It. Ask his/hcr rccommendet�ans on whet to <br />do �ba�t the commlttee's advfce. <br />6. Pro�ida orlani�t�on and lralning far n¢v,r �pmmiitee m�mbcrs. Unleas they are already <br />speci�lists, th�y will need help in ur�derstnnding theis assigned sub)efit area and wJll �tso <br />nccd to understand the relatianahlp of the assEg�ed fleld t� the governmenta! agenc,y a►� a <br />whale. <br />7. Revelap �+ work program forthe tornmtttee for t#�e term of thelr worlcor F,av� the tom mlttee <br />prepar� one far tliefr use �nd yourt. <br />8. �vaRuate the wark af che cvmmlttee (or the cammtttee can do this), <br />9. Matntairi good communlcadan: wlth all of y�ur advtsary carnmlttees. As part o1 Lhis effon <br />eath tommlttee s��auld send regular repuscs of !ts activities to the l�glsiative body. Perfodic <br />meeti„&s between tl�e leglslators and the i�dh,ldua[ commlttess can also be qutte hetp/ut, <br />'i 0. Abolfs�i artd thank cammlttres when thclr work Is done. <br />oar��r: <br />7. Negle�i rou� advlsary commiiteea. <br />3. lgnore their advice on � r�gular b$s#s �r good ��ople will declln� to serve on the <br />CDrr�mikiee�. <br />3. L�t the arlvisory ca�nmitt�c captare thG st�if, !n some jurisdictipns !�y drfmu�t ar cvolutlan, <br />the �dvisory ba�tcls h�ve �om+e Eo dominete ihplr staiffs, thus rentoving them irpm the <br />effective control oi th� cer�trsl executive whether th�t person be elett�d ar appatnted. <br />�. G� overboard In mpp�intln� IAr�� numbers O/ comtnittees in the nam� pf �CSpotlsivetlBSS <br />sttd �itizen partfc+patian, Some jurisdl�ilons ha�ve estabtished commit2ees on pr��itally <br />ev�ry gouernmentel tapic onG coufs� iirr�agin�. 71�e usua! result Is canflict between <br />Cemn►itloes with ovcrl�p�ing JurlsdJctlons, a l�tk o! s[at( ta g�ve �dequate supppn tQ �he <br />t�mmitt�4s, and d l�ndency [pr the legislaitve body [a igna�e much at the work oi the <br />Cbmmittels since lhrY are simply overwhelmed with the vofume of r�ports corr►ing in. <br />5. Jumpintothccu���pensetionolcommin�eswithGUttf�oroughstudyandalongrangep�anor <br />yau'll �rbbdbly get hum�d. <br />