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]���JSg1�TG <br />VISI�1� <br />Roseville shall be a community with an appropriate balance of attractive, safe, weli maintained housing <br />alternatives that are available without discrimination in appeating, well kept, crime deterring <br />neighborhoods with appropriate City services, parks, and open space located in an environment that <br />provides adequate educational, occupational, and spiritual opportunities. <br />GO�i,� <br />Achieve a good balance of di .fferent types of housing alternatives that will meet lhe needs of our <br />residents through careful use of the little remaining fand in Roseville. <br />o Build single farnily homes in the $150,OQ0 price range. <br />o Pravide yuality, low-dcnsity rental and owned town l�o�ne units, particularly one level. <br />o Have affordable and/or suhsidizcd congregate rental wlits for sei�iors and others wi#h <br />special needs. <br />o Retain an appropriatc perccntage of parks and open space. <br />o Eaplorc tllc possibility of redeveloping existiilg coinmerciaUindustrial properties wherc <br />appropriate. <br />� Explore senior housing on Larpenteur Avenue in the area of old City gardens. Currently <br />woz�king with awner for potcntial developme�lt o��tions. <br />Encourage main�enance of existing housing and property. <br />o Maintain stt�o��g, up-to-date coc�e enforcen�ent throu�h educaiion and implementation. <br />o Identify and/or developing prograzns far financia! and other incentivcs a�d assistance for <br />home improve�r�ents (prizes, tax breaks, loans, savings plans, etc.). Inter-government <br />cooperation would be essential. <br />o Provide incentives to o��vners of�alder rental units for high maintenance and eenovation of <br />buildings aizd grounds. <br />o Implerx�ent Trut� in Housing legislation. <br />Encourage upgrading current homes anc� property to meet rno�e up housing needs. <br />o Idcntify and/or develop incentives to upgrade (prizes, tax breaks, low cost loans [c.g. <br />RichfieldJ, ctc.}. <br />o Identify and/or create incentives to enable owners of older rcntal u��its to �pgradc them to <br />filt thc nccd for qualif,y rental and condo units. <br />o Encourage t�uality additions consistent lvith current E�ousic�� style. <br />o Consider entire neighborhood upgrades for consistent �ousing vaiue. <br />• Review codes periodically to encourage maintenance and upgrading of property. <br />Maintain and develop close �it neighborhoods for single and multi unit dwelIings. <br />o rncourage C�-i�ne r�Yat�cl�, block parties, ai�d o�ller r�ci�hbo��liood evc�ats. <br />o Yromote c�minunity events (e.g. education, Rosefest, and other Yacks and Kecreation <br />Depart�nent events, etc.). <br />o Utilize resources, including the Hiiman Rights Cominission, cable access, Newsletter, and <br />local newspapers, to educate the cominunity regarding human righis. <br />Visfa 2Q00 Report Page 5 of 22 <br />