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PARKS AND 4PEN SPACE <br />I Goal <br />3vEde residents of Roseva!!e with high quality parks and open spaces for recreational uses and as a visuallphysical di�ersion <br />m the hard surfacing of urban development as well as providing for the presenration and conservation of limited natural <br />ources. <br />D6jectives <br />Enhancement of the "quality of lite" for Roseville residen#s by pro�iding adequate parks and open spaces fo f�lfill <br />their present and future physical and psychologica! needs and desires. <br />improve property values, by improving the imag� and appearance of the City and enriching heaith and recreation <br />opportunities for residents. <br />Pre.servation of significan# natural rESOUrces, lakes, ponds, wetlands, farested areas as integral aspects of the park <br />system structure. <br />Maintain an ongoing planni�g system to insure the long term, sustained viability of the Roseville parks and recreation <br />system, <br />lmprorre t�e park and recreation system by improving visibility and accessibility for all Roseuiile residents. <br />� <br />