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� <br />Athletic Field Irri�ation Systerns $120,000 P1P <br />Central Park Dale (2 soccer fieids, 1 ball field) $20,000 <br />Owasso Fields (2 haseball diamonds) $16,000 <br />Ever�reen Park (4 baseball diamonds) $32,000 <br />Langton Laice (3 baseball diamonds, i soccer $30,000 <br />field) $22,000 <br />Rosebroak Park (2 softball fields, 1 soccer <br />football field) <br />Lake Bennett Aeration System New system designed for wir�ter time safety. $20,000 PIP <br />DNR will pay for basic system. Decorative <br />up�rade paid for by city. <br />Pathway Program Develop Pathways lmprovement $],bS3,600 VISTA 2000 <br />Prograrn (PAMP) ■ new trails (10 miles} ■$501,600 Comprehensive <br />■ renovated trails (20 miles) ■ $732,000 Plan <br />■ parking lo#s (8) ■ $450,000 <br />Acom Trail Addition $15,000 Master plan <br />■ easement ■ $14,000 <br />■ trail construction {410 ft. ) ■ $4,a00 <br />Landscape Cty. Rd. C $30,000 Master p4an <br />■ shrub Rose Vines Alang Fencing ■$20,000 <br />■ plantings ■ $5,000 <br />■ furnishings ■ $5,000 <br />Larpenteur Avenue Streetscape Reconstruction of Larpenteur Ave. from $2.5 Million Master plan <br />Hamline to Rice St. including pathway and <br />landscaping. <br />Forestry Fully Implement Street Tree Program $2�,000 Adopted Master <br />w400 trees ■ $60 ea. Plan <br />