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. 25� have had standing water in their streets (21� on <br />their property} after a rain storm. <br />. 20o had been a victim of a crime - either to the <br />� ��. i� � _ . "�. <br />person or the praperty. �� �Dti�"� T���-�r� ���f �� b <br />V+�f r � �' � � <br />Regarding measures Rasevz].l.e residents would favor: <br />.$7% fire department to �nspect residences for fire hazards. <br />. 73� an energy audit of homes on request. <br />. 65� educa�ional materia�s and informatian on energy <br />conservation. <br />. 64� allocate Fnore budget for construction and mainte- <br />nance of bicycle and pedestrian right-of-way. <br />. 63% a hame must be inspected and be in compliance <br />all ciiy building codes before it can be so�d. <br />Regarding measures Roseville resid�nts would not favor: <br />_ 72� banning lawn fertilizers. <br />. 69� restricting the use of decorative lighting by <br />residences. <br />S <br />Mid-Coniinent Sur�eys, Inc. <br />• <br />