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Carolyn Curti <br />From: Bill Malinen <br />Sent: Thu�sday, February 2$, 20Q8 10:55 AM <br />o: Bob Venters <br />Cc: 'Jay T. Squires'; 'Scott T. Anderson ;*RVCouncil; CaroEyn Curti <br />Subject: Human Rights Commission Qrdinance Proposal <br />Attachments: Human Rights Camrn Ord Legal Review.pdf <br />�,� <br />Human Rights <br />:omm Ord Legal Re. <br />Bob: <br />Attached is a letter from the City Attorney's office regarding the proposed ordinance related to prohibiting <br />landlords from asking the iinmigration status of tenants and prospective tenants. <br />I had asked the City Attorney to review the draft ordinance and general policy intent for possible legal issues <br />associated with the proposal, and as you will note, there are several areas that raise concern and. at a minirnum <br />would require further legal analysis. Based upon their review arid the 1ega1 risk potential to the City, the City <br />Attorney's recommendation is that the City not pursue this ordinance and adopt a policy as is being suggested. <br />Having had the opportunity to discuss nnatter with thern, I would concur with their recommendation. <br />I lcnow the Human Rights Commission meeis on March 11 th. If you would like to have this matter placed on <br />the agenda, please let rne or Carolyn know. In ihe meantime, please feel free to call me with questions. <br />r3i11 Malinen <br />City Manager <br />City of Roseville, MN 55113 <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />651.792.7021 <br />