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To ic Questions <br />Renewal: Connecting head, heart and feet. - How does your work fit with your own <br />sense of purpose? <br />- Are the head/thinking, heart/feeling and <br />feet/doing aspects linked? <br />- 1Nhat can the organization and we as <br />individuals do to build renewal into our <br />� work for the comin ear? <br />How does understanding other cultures build a <br />better communi ? <br />Power, how cioes it play out in the multicultural <br />villa e. <br />How do we mo�e from "I" to "WE" in our - What is feai'? <br />multiculturai community? - What are the forms fear can take? <br />- What are the ways in which ! act out in <br />fear? <br />- What helps transform fear? <br />- How can we help each other transform <br />fear? <br />How does crosscultural communication and - What can you as an individual do to foster <br />understanding increase resources in times of positive crosscultural communication and <br />scarcity? understanding? <br />- How can crosscultural alliances help you <br />or your organization to achieve your goals <br />in times of scarcit ? <br />- How do we ma#ce ideals stronger in the <br />How can we transform our fears in a presence of fear? <br />multicultural community? - How do we move from persona! conviction <br />to social action? <br />How will including civic engagement help to - What will be some indica#ors of having <br />eliminate health disparities in the multicultural accomplished what we set out to do? <br />village.? - Wi�at specific actions will indicate positive <br />results at com letion? <br />How do we live together now that we are - How do I express my culture in the ways <br />neighbors in the multicultural village? that I live and wark? <br />- What culture do I most closely identify <br />with? <br />- What are customs regarding spirituality, <br />space, the roles of inen and women in your <br />culture? <br />- What does it mean to be a good neighbor <br />in our cuiture? <br />http://www. un itedwaytwi ncities.orglou rimpactldocuments/dialogue7opicsQuestions.doc <br />