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��������� <br />Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />May 10, 2005 <br />Present: Thelma McKenzie, Chair, Phillip Crump, Janet Delmore, Scott Higbee, Ann Kenney, <br />Steve 5mitl�, Bob Venters <br />Guest: Marion Helland <br />Staff: Carolyn Curti <br />Chair Thelma McKenzie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. She introduced Marion <br />Helland, member of the Golden Valley Human Rzghts Commission and the State League of <br />Human Rights Comrnissions. <br />Oath of Office <br />Scott Higbee, Ann Kenney and Bob Venters recited the Oaths of Office a.nd were sworn in as <br />new rnembers to the Human Rights Commission. <br />Approve Minutes <br />Commission.ers approved the minutes for the February and March meeiings. <br />New Commissioner Workshop <br />Marion Helland provided an overview of the roles and responsibilities of Human Rights <br />Commissions. Most Commissions were an outgrowth of the Civii Raghts Movernent. She <br />said many new Coxrunissioners ask themselves what rolc they can play on a Commissian. She <br />said serving on a commission requires a time commitment. Helland recommcnds each <br />Commissioner Iook at his/her job skills and see how those can be applied to the HRC mission. <br />She asked Commissioners how they view themselves -- advocates or activists. She <br />recarnmends that a Commissioner alvvays do outreach and talk about human righis. <br />Helland distributed several pieces of literature �nrith suggestions on how to reach the schools, <br />newspapers, the Legislafure and others. She showed examples of taking the human rights <br />message to the community thz'ough flyers, stickers, posters, bookmarks and other ideas. <br />Helland explained how each part of our world is inter-related so what happens in the schools, <br />business world, media, places of worship etc. impacis all other parts af our lives. Human <br />Rights advocacy must reach all parts of our lives. <br />Helland spoke about her experience advocating �or human rights. She traveled to the South to <br />assist black Americans to register to vote. She talked about her experience as an elementary <br />