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1�1� <br />r% <br />� <br />Fred Shamon <br />General Manager, Comfort Inn <br />2715 Long Lake Road <br />Rosevil�e, MN 55113 <br />Dear Mr. Shamon: <br />March 19, 2003 <br />We are contacting a number of Roseville business leaders to introduce the Roseville Human Rights <br />Commission and ask you to consider ways we might be of service to you. <br />The Human Rights Commission is a citizen commission appointed by the Roseville City Council. An <br />important part of our mission is to promote a positive human rights climate in the Roseville community. <br />To that end, we work with vanous �oups in the community. For example, we have worked with faith <br />communities in designing community forums to address issues of tolerance and acceptance. We work <br />with the Raseville schooi system in educating students on conflict managemcnt. <br />We are also aware that Roseville businesses face the challenge of creating a positive cliznate and <br />productive relationships with their employees and customers. Ali indications are that the future labor <br />market will continue to be tight with skilled employees increasingly harder fio recruit and retain. At the <br />same time, that labor market is increasingiy diverse. There is a strong business case to be made for <br />creating an environment vsThere employees feel respected and engaged. A large part of that engagetnent is <br />dependent on how employees work together. <br />The Roseville Human Rights Commission is interested in supporting local businesses in creating a <br />commvnity where differences are respected and celebrated. This is a new initiative for the HRC. We <br />certainly don't pretend lo have all the answers or all the resources to address your needs in this area. But <br />we are aware of community resources and will do everything we can to make appropriate resources <br />Irnown to you. <br />If you are interested, a couple of us would simply sit down for a conversation, understand the challenges <br />you face and the goals you have in the areas of workforce diversity and relationships. We would then <br />deternune the resources or actions we might suggest for your consideration. <br />The HRC is looking forward to this opportunity to meet with businesses as part of our service Eo the <br />community. The ten commission members can have littIe impact as a small group meeting by itself. But <br />we can make a difference in this community by worlQng with existing organizations where our efforts are <br />tnu�tiplied because of their contact with cornmunity members. <br />Please contact Carolyn Curti, HRC Commission Liaison at the City, at b51-490-2209 or emaiI <br />human_ri�hts�c� at your earliest convenience to set up a xneeting or to learn more. <br />Sincerely, <br />Thelma McKenzie <br />Chair, Roseville FIuman Rights Commission <br />Dino LoBaido, RVA <br />Larry Voeller <br />Rosevil�e Human Rights Commission <br />2660 Civic Center Drive •:• Roseville •;- Minnesota •3 55113 <br />65�-490-2200 :• TDD 651-490-2207 ❖ <br />