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�,� [��TC ' � r�'V <br />�� � <br />�dministration DepartmentlCommunications <br />To: Human Rights Commission Members <br />FYom: Carolyn Curti, Commu.nications Specialist, 651-490-2209 <br />Dat�; June 3, 2�03 <br />Re: Data Practices Information <br />Under state statute, Commissioners' names and addresses are public informatian. All other <br />personal information is private data and cannot be released to the public uniess Commissioners <br />give permission for the City to release it. (Informat�on relating to a student representative is private <br />data and will not be released.) <br />Occasionally City staff get rec�uests from the media or trom the public for ways to contact Human <br />Rights Corrunission members. Please indicate which inforniation, if ariy, the Ci1:y may release to <br />someone who requests it. <br />Home Telephone Yes No <br />Work Telephone Yes No <br />Home Fax Yes No <br />Work Fax Ycs No <br />I-Iome Email Yes No <br />Work Email Yes No <br />Other information (please describe)� <br />Signat�re <br />Date <br />This infbrmation r�vilI be considered current until you notify staff'of changes. <br />• Page 1 <br />