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� � � �`�°� � � - �.. _ p ..3 <br />Goai Criteria for success Ste s to achieve goal Status Res onsible Com letion date Comments <br />Essay contest 2003 Participation by at least 3 1. Visit schools to encourage participation 1. Howard Wae�}ier 1. Sept Excellent participation. <br />schools 2. Distrihute essay qucstion 2_ Staff 2. Oct. Encourage more <br />3_ newspaper article 3. Staff 3. Oct. statewide participation_ <br />4. Select winners 4. All 4. Dec. <br />5. Presentation at Council meeting 5. All 5. Feb_ <br />Rose Parade 1. Submit form to Parks & Rec. <br />2_ Invite Essay contest winners to parade <br />3. Partzcipate in Parade <br />Proctamations on 1. HRC suggest cornznemorative months 1. ali � Ongoing <br />Wcbpage 2. Staff draft proclamation 2. staff <br />3. Council approve 3_ staff <br />4_ ost on webpage 4. staff <br />Pariner w/ afher HR Other HR organi�ations 1. Clarify requirements for speakers list 1. June <br />orgs, create speaker's contribute potential 2_ ID other relevant HR orgs w/ their contact info 2. July <br />bureau as a resources speakers 3. Solicit potential names for bureau 3. Aug-Sepl <br />for RV schools Speaker's bureau developed 4. Contact potential speakers for their approval 4. 5ept <br />Fositive feedback from RV 5. Deliver speakers list to RV schoo�s &�iR orgs 5. Oct <br />schools re: list partncred w/ us <br />Use of Speaker's Bureau 6. Periodically check w/ school - use of list 6. Ongoing <br />resources hy RV Schools <br />Select chair and vice At each Octobcr meeting Commission members All Oclober <br />chair sclect a chair and vice chair <br />Goal setting for the 1. Review prcvious year's goals, successcs, All I_ April <br />year failures <br />2. U date, set new goals 2. May <br />Meet w/ Inereased communication Scheduie meeiing (either at a Commission within 2 Months � <br />supenntendent RV between Commission and Meeting or ai Superintendents office} <br />Schools, ai.scuss HR RV Scnool System <br />issues, determine how <br />HRC can assist admin, <br />teachers, students <br />Welcome/Info Packet packet ready Scpt nrieeting 1 Decide typcs of info to be included. 1 ALL 1 June 03 <br />for new teachers 2 Prepare outline of packet 2 Howard Wa�-ier 2 July 03 <br />3 gather inforrziation for packet 3 Howard Wagner 3 August 03 <br />4 Finalize packet 4 Howard Wa�er 4 September 03 <br />