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2002 Agendas and Packets
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2002 Agendas and packets
2002 Agendas and Packets
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5/9/2014 11:40:39 AM
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5/25/2012 3:44:12 PM
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_.,� <br />� <br />The Bill of Rights <br />Passed by Congress September 25,1789 <br />Ratif ed December I5, 1791. <br />Amendment I <br />Congress shall make no !aw respecting an establishmenr of religion, or prohibiting the <br />free exercue thereof,• or ahridging the freedom of speech, or ajthe press; or rhe right <br />of the people peaceahly ta assemble, and to petition the Government}'or a redress of <br />grievances <br />Amendment II <br />A well regulated Militia, beireg necessary to tlre security of a free S�ate, the right of the <br />peapte 1a keep and bear Arms, shalt nat be infringed. <br />Amendment III <br />No Soldier sh411, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consen[ of the <br />Owrrer, nor in time of war, but in a�nanner to be prescribed by Iaw <br />Amendment IV <br />Tlee riglet o, f the people to be secure ia their persana, houses. papers, ar�d effects, <br />against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants <br />shall issue, but upon prabable rause, supported by Oath or af�`'trmation, crnd <br />particularly descriLing the place to be searrhed, and the persons ar thi�rgs to 6e seized. <br />Amendment V <br />No person shall be held to answer for a capita� ar otherwise infamous crime, unless on <br />a presentment or indictment oja Grand Jury, e�ceept in rases arising in the la�d or <br />naval, jorres, or in the Militia, when in actual service in ti�e of Wacr or public danger; <br />rrar shall any person be subjed for the same oj�`er�ce to be twice put in jeopardy of life <br />ar limb; nar shrrll be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, <br />nor be deprived of tife, liberty, or prnperty, without due process af taw; nor shall <br />private property be taken for public use, without just corapensarian. <br />� <br />
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