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4) Everyone has the right to forrn anci to join trade unions for the pratection of his interests. <br />Article 24 <br />Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonabie limitation of working haurs and <br />periodic hofidays with pay. <br />Artide 25 <br />1) Everyone has the right�to a standarcf of living adequate for the health and wel!-being of himself <br />and of his family, inciuding food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary sociaE services, <br />and the right to security in the ever�t of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or <br />other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. <br />2} Motherhood and childY�oad are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether bom <br />in or out of wedlock, shalf enjoy the same social proteciion. <br />Article 26 <br />1) Everyone has the right to education_ Education shalf be free, at least in the e�ementary and funda- <br />mental stages. Eiementary education shall be comp�lsory. Technica! and professional education <br />shall be made generally available and higher educatian shall be equally accessible ta al! on the <br />basis of inerit. <br />2) Education shaii be directed to the fui! development of the human personality and to the strengthen- <br />ing of respect far human rights and fundamental freedoms_ It shall promote understanding, taler- <br />ance and friendship amang all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the acti�ifies of <br />the United [Vations for the maintenance oi peace. <br />3} Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that sha�l be given to their children. <br />Article 27 <br />1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts <br />and to sharE in scientific advancement and its benefits. <br />2) Everyone has the right ta the protectian of the moral and material interESts resulting from any <br />scientific, literary or a�tistic production af which he is the author. <br />Article 28 <br />Everyone is en#itled to a sociai and international order ir� which the nghts and freedoms set forth in <br />this �eclaration can be fully realizecf. <br />Article 29 <br />1) Everyone has duties to the communi#y in wnich aione the free and full development of his <br />personality +s possible_ <br />2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shail be subject only to such lirnitations as are <br />determined by law solely far the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and <br />freedorrts of others and of ineeting the just requirements of moraEity, pub�ic order and the generaf <br />welfare in a democratic society. <br />3} These rights a�d freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of <br />the llnited Nations_ <br />Article 30 <br />Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to <br />engage in any activity ar to �erforrn any act aimed at ths destruction of any of the rights and freedoms <br />set forfh herein. <br />14Q / NUMAN R�GNTS NFR�AND Nf]W <br />