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� <br />'� <br />� <br />UNIVERSAL DECLARAT�4N OF HUMAN RIGHTS <br />(Abbreviated) <br />Article 1 <br />Right to Equaliiy <br />Article 2 <br />Freedom from Discrimination <br />Articfe 3 <br />Right to Life, �iberty, Perspnal Security <br />Article 4 <br />Freedom frorn SEavery <br />Article 5 <br />Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment <br />Article 6 <br />Right to Recogaition as a Person before the Law <br />Article 7 <br />Right to Equality before the Law <br />Article 8 <br />Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal <br />Article 9 <br />Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile <br />Article 1U <br />Right to Fair Public Hearing <br />Article 11 <br />Right to be Considered lnnocen# until Proven <br />Guilty <br />Article 12 <br />Freedom from Enterferer�Ce with Privacy, Family, <br />Fiome and Corresportdence <br />Article 13 <br />Right to �ree Movement in anc! out of the <br />Country <br />Artecfe 14 <br />Right to Asylum in other Cauntries from <br />Persecution <br />Articie 45 <br />Right to a Nationaiity and the Freedom to <br />Change It <br />Article 16 <br />Right to Marriage and Family <br />Article 17 <br />Right to Own Praperty <br />Article 18 <br />Freedom af Belief and Religion <br />Article i s <br />Freedom of Opinion and Information <br />Article 2U <br />Right oi Peaceful Assembly and Association <br />Article 21 <br />Right to Participate in Gavernme�t and in Free <br />Elections <br />Article 22 <br />Right to Social Security <br />Article 23 <br />Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade <br />Unions <br />Article 24 <br />Right to Rest and Leisure <br />Artic[e 25 <br />Right to Adequate Li�ing 5tandard <br />Article 2fi <br />Right to Education <br />article z7 <br />Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of <br />Community <br />Ariicle 28 <br />Right to a 5ocial Order that Articulates this <br />Document <br />Articfe 29 <br />Community Duties Essential to Free and Full <br />❑evelopment <br />Article 30 <br />Freedom from State ar Personal interferenca in <br />the above Rights <br />PART 5: APPENDICF6 / 141 <br />