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HUMAN RIGHTS CALENDAR OPPQRTUNITlES <br />JANUARY <br />1 Emancipation Prqclamation signed <br />19fi3 <br />8 Worid Llteracy Day: observed by many <br />UN member stases to foster <br />universa[ literacy <br />Martfn Luther King Day (bom Jan, rt5, <br />1929} {cele�rated third Monday} <br />FESRLIARY <br />Black History iVlonth <br />lnternationa! Friendship Month <br />1 Freedorn Day: �3ih Amendment granting <br />full citizenshi� to �armer slaves signed, <br />7865 <br />20 Non-viofent Resis#a�cs Day <br />MARCH <br />Warr�en's Histary Month <br />8 IRtematfonal Women's Qay <br />21 [nternational Day af the EliminatEon <br />of Racia! �Iscrimination <br />22 Warld Day for Water <br />APRI[. <br />7 World Heaith Day: cammemorates the <br />esta�lishment of the Worid F-iealth <br />Organization, 1948 <br />8 Traditianal 8irthday of the Buddha <br />11 Anniversary of the US Civi! Rights Act <br />af 1968 � <br />22 Earth Day, Arhor Day <br />23 Worid Saoic and Capyright Qay <br />30 Holocaust Memoriai Day (Yom ha <br />Shoah)= rememhers the millions who died <br />in Nazi death camps during World War I! <br />MAY <br />Asian-Pacific lieritage Manth <br />Memnrial Day (last Monday) <br />Mother's Day (secoRd Sunday) <br />1�i 0/ 7'NE NUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATIQN NANO$DOK <br />HLIMAN AIGHTS RESOUNCE CENiEi4, UNIUEASITY UF MiNNESOTA <br />MAY <br />t InternatiaRal �abor Day <br />Law Day: furthers publ[c knowledge, <br />appreciat'san and respect ior law and its <br />#�eneiits to the citizen <br />3 World Press Freedom Qay <br />5 Clnco de MByo: commemarates the <br />8atile af Puebfa, 1862 and celehrates <br />Chicano and Latino cuiture <br />15 International bay of Families <br />16 UNESCO Day for CufturaE Deveio{�ment <br />3Z World No-'�obacco Qay <br />JUN� <br />Gay �ride Month <br />Gay Freedom �ay (last Sunday) <br />�ather's Day (3rd Sunday) <br />3 Worid Press Freesfam pay <br />4 UN I]ay nf Innocent Children, Victirns <br />of Aggression <br />5 Warld Environment Day: camrrEemorates <br />the opening of the UN Conierence on <br />Human Environrrtent, f972 <br />� 5 Magna Carta signed, 1�15 <br />17 Warld Day to Com6at DesertiFication <br />and Drought <br />19 Juneteenth= forAfrican Americans, a <br />cefebration vf freedom <br />26 UN Charter Day <br />26 Internatio�al Day against Drug Abuse <br />and Illicit Tra#ficking <br />28 Iniernatianal Day i� 5uppart of Victims <br />oi Torture <br />JULY <br />4 liniied States fndependence Day <br />i 1 Worl@ Population Day <br />14 9astille Day: li�eration of Bastilfe Pnson, <br />Paris, 1789 <br />26 Atnmic Bomb Day (first detonation 1945J <br />