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1�0 <br />I�7. Other Useful Nbtions <br />A. Wi.thdraw a N�tion (to retract, recall, or take back a proposed <br />rrotion) <br />1. Phraseology: I wish �o withdraw my mc�tion cancerning the <br />party." This is made by the originator of the m�tion. <br />2. l�.iles for procedure: <br />a. If.a member objects to the withdrawal, a motion by anpther <br />m�ber is in order. ("I move that Mr-/Ms • be <br />permitted to witlldraw his%hex m�tion.") <br />b. Requires 7 steps of the proper procedure slx�wn in Sec. II— <br />omit the step which requires a semnd <br />c. Majority Vote <br />B. �nsider (motian to bring an old motion on the floor) <br />1. Phraseolagy: "I move that we reaonsider the wte on the <br />mation. . . �� <br />• 2. l� for procedure: LUilaw 6 steps in Sec. II--cEUit <br />in�erruption of speaker and reoognition by cl�airperson <br />C. Fbint of Order (member wishes to indicate a mistake or error in <br />parliamerztary procedure) <br />1. Phrasealogy: Mr./Ms• Chairperson, I rise to a point of order." <br />�� <br />2. Fb.iles for procedure: M�nber addresses chair; no reoognition, <br />seoond, debate or vote is required; cltiair decides. <br />D. Pariiamentary Inquiry (�neu�ber tactfully asks if an error has been <br />made in parliamentary procedure} <br />1. phrasealogy: "Mr-/Ms- C�airperson, I rise for parliamentary <br />��i�. �� <br />2. l�ales for proc.•edure: Same as for Pbint of Order <br />E. Division (to get an accurate account of the vt�te) <br />l. Phraseology: " Mr-/Ms- (�lairperson, I call for division." <br />2. l�es fox proaedure: S�e as f�r Fbint of Order <br />F. Qu�estions of Privilege (to bring up urgent matter aoncerning <br />personal oomfort) <br />�.. phraseology; "Mr./Ms. Q�airperson, I rise to a question of <br />privilege-. <br />2. �iles for procedure: Same as for Point af Oxder <br />G. Adjourn (motion to end the present meeting) <br />1. Phraseology: "I move �t we adjourn." <br />2. �iles for proced�e: <br />a. Requires 7 steps in proper procedure in 5ec. II-- <br />anit discussion . <br />b. Majori.ty Vote <br />