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?,'.i;v.ersity of Wisconsin-5tou�t <br />SI�3PLIFIED PARLIA��fEN'fARY PAOC�DUZE - <br />1. Usua� Urder of Business � � -� � '• -- - � � - <br />• A. Call to orde�c - _ - , - ' " : . <br />S. RoII. ca�l - � --- � _ - - - _ . . _ ' °-'= <br />C. A�linutes., read and app•roved or cQxrected � <br />.f - � . _- ,-.. <br />r. , <br />Nozman C. Ziemar.n <br />D. Report o c�i�nxt ees . _. <br />1. Standing co�ittees � - - . -- - ;._ _ . - <br />" 2. 5peciai . ca�.ittees - _ _ - - _ . - - <br />.k. Unfi.nished bus�ness- � � ; _ _ - . _ . - - : - _ - <br />-. F� Announcements ` . - _ - � - . _ <br />_ . G.. NeW business - _ - - ., _ . _ _ '-':_ <br />H.. A�� ournment � - _ � ' - _ - - '� -- <br />_ _ _ ; _ �.. � .. ; - } __ _ . - . y ,. �:. <br />__• ; _ _ __ _ ._. . _ <br />_ _.� - - <br />_ . . . _ :: � <br />- iI . . Proper � Procedtsre for Handling :a Fdation - . ' _ - _ - " - _ _ . : .. <br />. -. . -. .- A-. . _ - � .,. <br />A: hIen�.her rises as�d �addresses chairman - . - -` - <br />�.. Chaixman recognixes member� by name fl'r nodding -. .- -_ _- <br />C._ �,Ie�ber.states his m4tian - -� -. .- _ -_ _ <br />I]_.: Chairman asks for se�and. i� one i.s not�-offered voluntarily . <br />E.- Chairmazr. asks far discussa.on if it. �is a debatab�e r�ation _ -- <br />�--G. Ylheri.discussion ceases, chairman xestates motion and asks for the vote- �, <br />H. Chaixman.�ives results �f vote and.declares the"mation passed or failed <br />{Some mafi zons do not require aI I 8 steps ; ses Sec . I � i far variations .) <br />III. i�otions hiost Often I�s.ed Duriny a�feeting ' <br />`(F�iotioris have rank ox pre�edence, those vf_ Iower rank yield to those af <br />. higher.rank, r�suiting in moxe.than one �notion on the floor at one time. <br />A hi.gher ranking -motion can be moved during the di.s�ussion period of the <br />motzan before_the asseIIbly. The foilowirig notians are listed according <br />_ ta their rank, starting with tne Iowest.� .: <br />A., Tlie main raotion (a proposal of an activity for an-organizatian� <br />I: _Phr�seology: 'TI move tfiat we have a paitY-" __ <br />�. ._: for procedure: ' � . , . - - - <br />,_��- a::-``"<Requires the 8 ste�ps as described in pro�er precedakre�- in Sec. II <br />- : b:' � Majority vote _ • _ , - . • _ : . - : <br />B. "Amendiaent {a change ar modificati.on in a main motio� by adding, <br />_, � subtracting or s�bstituting cvords)� <br />I. �" Phraseologys "I mwc zIiat w� amend tha motioii by addiag, the word. <br />t°Christmas," before the ward, "party"_ -. . � <br />Z. � Rules fo= procedUre :: . . - . � _ - � � <br />a. Requires the 8 steps i.n proper precedtire described i,n Sec. II _ <br />. ti . 1�Iaj ority vate . - . _ . <br />3. An amendment to an amendment cI�anges or modifies an amendment. <br />-_�-Say, '�I move -that we a.mend the amendment by. ..". Use same rules <br />. - - : . - for proceduxe • as above far the amend�ent . � - <br />C. Sefer to a cora�nittee �(having a spec�a].- group investigate or arra�ge <br />necessary detai�s to cax�ry out the motinn) <br />� 1. Phraseok��{:- "I move:that we refer this matter of a Christmas <br />party ta th�.grogxa� cam�ittee." _- <br />2. Rn2es for pracedure: - <br />a. Requires the 8 steps in proper procedure descrabed in Sec. II <br />b. Majarity vote - - � - � <br />D. Postpone to a certain day (a motion which allows the mo�ion to be <br />postponed tu�til a later meeting) <br />1. Phraseology: t'I move that we postpone consideratian of this <br />motion �mtil the riext meetzng.!' " <br />2. Rtiles £or procedure � � <br />a. Requires the 8 steps in pxoper procedure described in SeC. iI <br />� • ,-.,,.,.. ..-o • <br />