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ROSEVILLE CHARTER COMMYSSION <br />BY-LAWS <br />ARTICLE Y - THE COMMISSION <br />Sectian 1. Name of Commission. The name of the Commission is the "Roseville <br />Charter Commission". <br />Section 2. Pur ose. The purpose of thc Commission is to consider the best form of <br />government which meets the needs of the residents of Roseville, to frame and amend a Charter <br />for consideration by its voters if the samc is deterrz�ined by the Commission to be appropriate or <br />necessary, and to serve as custodians of the Charter in accordance with state laws, ihese by-Iaws <br />and rules of the Charter Commission. <br />Section 3. Office of Commission. The offices of the Cornm.ission are at Roseville City <br />Hall for puzposes of official commission business. If City Hall is unavailable for any duly callcd <br />regular or special meeting, the members shall designate, by majority vote of active mernbcrs, an <br />alternate site, and notify the public by posting a notice of ineeting at City Hall. <br />Section 4. Members. The Commission is cornpased of nine members. Membcrs shall <br />serve during their term and untii their successors are appointed and have qualified pursuant to <br />Minnesota Statutes, Seciion 410.05 as amended. <br />Section 5. Annual Re�view. The By-Laws shall be reviewed on annual basis at ihe <br />regular meeting of the Coxnmission in October. <br />ARTICLE II - OFFICERS <br />Section 1. Officers. The officers of the CoxnTnission are the Chair, Vice-Chair, and <br />Secretary. <br />Section 2. Chair. The Chair shall call the regular meetings of the Commission, prepaxe <br />the agenda., preside at all meetings, and oversee the implementations of the decisions of the <br />Commission. The chair retains alI the rights and responsibilities held as a member of the <br />Co�nxnission including the right to vote. Each year at the December, meeting, the Chair shall <br />submit to the Commission for its approval, an annual report summarizing the activities and <br />accomplishments of the Commission for thc calendar year. The annual report to the Commission <br />may contain the Chairs recomrnendation for Com�xiission activities for the ensuing yeaz. <br />Section 3. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall perform the du�ies of the Chair during the <br />Chair's temporary absen.ce, and shall perform such duties during any vacancy of that oi:fice until <br />the Commission elects a new Chair. The Cozruriission may desigt�ate by majorify voice voic a <br />ternporary second-vice chair from the Charter Commission membership whose duties shall be io <br />iemporarily perforn� the duties of the Vice-Chair in the absence or vacation of office by the Vice- <br />Chair until such time as the Commission elects a ne,vv Vice-Chair. <br />-1- <br />