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<br />EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of <br />the City of Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota, was duly called and held at the <br />City Hall on Monday, the 22nd day of September, 1997, at 6:30 p.m.. <br /> <br />The following members were present: Maschka, Mastel, Wiski, Goedeke and <br /> <br />Wall. <br />and the following were absent: None <br /> <br />Council Member Mastel introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 9459 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING <br />$7,670 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL PLANNING GRANT <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City of Roseville places a high priority on Comprehensive City <br />Planning, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, after a Community Survey and Visioning process (Vista2000), the <br />City prepared, held hearings and adopoited its most recent plan in September, 1994, <br />and <br />WHEREAS, an essential part of the City Center Plan is to define the long range <br />components to be included in the plan, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City has received notice that the Metropolitan Council has <br />awarded $7,670 (75%) to assist with community planning projects such as the City <br />Center plan, provided the City provide an additional $2,500 (25%) of funding. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Roseville hereby <br />accepts the Metropolitan Planning Grant of $7,670 for the City Center Planning project, <br />and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City agrees to match the $7,670 with an <br />additional 25% funds and or staff support from the Community Development 1998 <br />budget. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member <br />Maschka and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: <br />Maschka, Mastel, Wiski, Goedeke and Wall <br />and the following voted against the same: None <br /> <br />WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />