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w <br />��� <br />City of �oseville <br />International 5ister City Committee <br />April b, 1494 <br />Members present: Joyce & James Boardson, Gladys & Roger Reiling, ,Tohn & Sue <br />Reitan, Cha��es Scott, Tom &�.:Vzrginia Turha. <br />Members absent: Martha Hardesty, Joni Delaney O�Connelly <br />Minutes: <br />1. New members were welcomed.and given packets on the overview of Sister <br />c�ry. <br />2. Copies of our Costa Rican activities during the past week were available. <br />3. A report on our past week activities were be submitted to Steve North. <br />4. Joyce will send Thank-you letters to appropriate people in the community <br />who helped us host last week. She wi11 also send letter To-The-Editors <br />of the loc�l papers on behalf of the committee. <br />5. The ConsuYate is looking for pictures of last week's Costa Rican visit. <br />b. Tom anticipates Che Buigarian Scouts to arrive in Mn. on .�une 29, spending <br />5 weeks in the Mn./Wisc. area. He has received the actual do�lar value of <br />his requested grant. <br />7. Charles presented the outline of multiple Sister City Programs. THe group <br />reitera�ed their interest in have more than one country. Roger said he <br />. knew a couple that might be interested in working with Joni to revitalize <br />our Ireland attempts. The gzoup gave strong support to the idea. Charles <br />will discuss it with Joni, who was not ahle �o be at the meeting. <br />8. Tom has senti a letter to the Scout Master in Burazno. The question raised <br />is will the city want another Spanish speaking city at this time. <br />9� Charles asked that that we think about who we may ask to help us with <br />future visits. Ideas at hand were: L�.ons, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce <br />for starters. <br />10. We need to recruit students to our commi.ttee. Please be looking for <br /> members. <br />11. Financil issues were discussed: 1) suggested idembership of adult- $10, <br />Family -$15, student -$5, business -$25. 2)�':Charles and Joyce will check <br />on what may be appropriated from city ha�l. 3) Selecting a Rosevil.le bank. <br />