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City of Roseville <br />InternationaJ_ Sister City Committee <br />Minutes <br />March 2 , 199�+ <br />Members present: James Boardson, Joyce Boardson, Charles Scott, Thomas Turba <br />Members absent: A4artha Hardesty, Joni llelaney 0'Connelly <br />Guests: Steve North (lissistant City Manager.), Gladdys and Roger Reiling, <br />Virginia Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Guests were introduced. Steve North attended on behalf of the City to <br />tlear about our Si.ster City trip to Cartago, Costa Rica and the expectations <br />of cztizens from Cartago coming to Roseville in the very near future. <br />Gladys and Roger Reiling aCtended our meeting as Roseville citizens zn- <br />teresCed in Costa Rica. An invitation to join our committer was extended. <br />2. Steve was asked about the possibilty of having Sister Czty articles in <br />the Roseville C?_ty Newsletter. Steve did not see any probl�m with ttiis. <br />Lead time is about one month prior to publishing. <br />3. Tt�e Sy-laws tor establishing tax exempt status are now with the State of <br />Minnesota., they will soon be heading to the IRS for final <br />ApprovaJ. <br />4. Tom presented the trip to Costa Rica on behalf of the Turbas and <br />i3oardson to Steve and the Reili.ngs. <br />5. Expectations are that a group of Costa Kicans wi11 be coming in Apri1, <br />representing Cartago for Sister City. Consequently, our next official. <br />meeting will be with the Roseville City Council on: <br />Monday, March 21, 1994 at City gaii, 5:�0 PM <br />Please be prepared wath ideas ot how you would like the Council to help <br />us. �efore then, there will be phone calls or an extra meeting to pre- <br />pare. Nexr regular meeting: Wednesday, April b, 1994 <br />Brainstorming ideas for the Cartago vi_sit: <br />Roseville Cour <br />�ct�ools <br />Rosedale <br />Zoo <br />Lock and Dam <br />MaIJ of ILmerica <br />City Representatives <br />Library <br />Nature Center <br />'I'ruck f irms <br />NCR <br />grocery store <br />Unisys <br />recycle cen�er <br />medical clinic <br />Chamber of Commerce <br />Rotary <br />car dealer <br />garden/�reenhouse center <br />Radison Carousal at night <br />Mzssissippi boat ride <br />H.B. Fuller <br />Restraunts: <br />Lido's <br />Snuffy's <br />Ch�nese <br />Reception with Mayor <br />Res�ectful.�y submiCted <br />t � f',',_ <br />.Jo�c�� � i /� . X '..i-�.�?�/� <br />e, M. Boardson <br />