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CiIY OF jtdSE��LLE <br />��M.�!;., � � , ,. ��'. ..l�. �al..!.. l.���!._ <br />YIliViES OF THP NF.Ei'YNG aF <br />7edn�dsy Fe�rouy Z�, f 993 <br />6:3� P_1[. <br />A? Ci�Y HALL <br />Members Present: <br />,�qyce Baardson, ,Tames Baardson, Jani Delanep p'CaaneU, <br />Thamas Tarba , Charl�s Scott <br />Members Absent: <br />Mastha Hasdesty. Chr�stine Ra,mpersad <br />Minuies by: <br />Gharl�s Scott <br />Minutes <br />1. Ca,Ued ta order at b:30 PA� <br />2. Thamas rspvrtgd Ghat the letters to Costa Rica �vere sent. The Bop Scout trip <br />ta aulgaria is grogressiag #�arvards a late summer 1�93 trip, <br />3, Jani �*sll be in Irelaad ihis year and r�ill proba�iy meet �rtrth officials Fh"s!e <br />in ger,ry CounEy. <br />4. Jim and ,jvyce discassed their €ruitful trig ta Uxuguay a,nd shared tha�r tales <br />af adventure and th� friendly receptian given bp t,he peaple of 17urazna. . <br />They r�parted thai the citizens oi Dnrezno are very enthusiastic a�+uut a <br />future city to citq relataaaship 6etrPeen our tpo commun��ses. <br />�. The neat. meeting Was set for 6:3Q PM at Ci#.y Ha,ll, WedaesdaY. Ma.t'ch 31, <br />1993 <br />6. Meeiing �a� adjourned at 7:30. <br />