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�fembers Pt�esent.: <br />Guests: <br />A+Iemhers i�bseat: <br />Ci?Y OF R�SEYiLLE <br />,1r��iIITES �F THE iff.£TING OF <br />?hursdsy, Au�ust 27, 149Z <br />6:30 P.�i. <br />AY CITY HALL <br />f<►yca Roa�dsan. James �.ioardsaa, Jt��xi lie�aney 0'Canaell, <br />Ghristine Ram�aet�ad, Thomas Turba , Charles Seatt <br />As�n Mae Johnsa�., I�useviile Teacher and resicfent af Shareview <br />Ma.r�Ixa Aardesty <br />IV�inutes <br />i. �ed to arcier at �+:�0 PM <br />�. Guest Ann Mae Jahnsan t.�[ged �baut Shureviea*'s recent Si�ter City in Poland <br />aad her recent trip ta Pala„ad. She discussed the possibilities uf invalvin g <br />students in the sister city pro�ram and the idea tliat Ro�eville pursue a sister <br />city relationshi� �rith a Pniish city near ta Shc►revie� s sister ci�y. <br />� Jani u�dated the committee cuncerning her ree�ntvisit to Killarney The <br />Irish He�t�iLage Fair in St. Pa.ul wil! be heid on the 2�t.ia and the ZSth oF <br />Oclober. <br />�#. Thc�ma� indicated that the cc�mmittee should consider C.�st� Rica, Thama..� �ill <br />be meeting, in September,with lausiness p�a,�1e involved with Custa Rica, <br />5�. ,��m shar��d th� ca,mmittee th+e final format for tl�e Rosevill� baoklet that l�e <br />h�rl created fc�r praspecti�e Sist�r Cit�es. A very nice baaglet. <br />6. The ne�t meet,is�g was set far �+:30 PM at City Hall, THURSDAY S�ptgmlier 24, <br />1 �'42 <br />�. d�ie� w�s adiourned at S:O��Q <br />