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Roseville Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />Apri1 3, 2001 <br />PresenC: James and Joyce Boardson, Don and Mary Meyers, 1an Schultz, Carol <br />Stark, Tom and Virginia Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Past Acitivites: Joyce has been trying to contact school personal in an <br />attempt to get work out that we are looking for host families for our various <br />actzvities. Permission has been given to put an article in the student paper <br />which come out late Apri1. Also, an article can be put in the school Link <br />which comes out in June as the last issue of Che school year. The Roseville <br />Tourist Association is interested in having our display case the lihrary <br />when they move �o their new location in Har Mar Mall zn the near future. <br />Parks and Rec has offered to move the case in and out during the day/night if <br />if it is on wheels. However, all those familiar with Che case feels this is <br />asking too much. (The case is also fairly heavy.) Mr. Rygh, RAflS principle. <br />thought there may be dzsplay room at the High School but Joyce keeps playing <br />telephone tag wi�h him. In the meantime, �ordsons and Turbas remo�ad the dis- <br />play case �rom the libray this past weekend. <br />2. Treasure's repart: With the change in bank ownership, new requirer�ents have <br />been put on our account. Carol and Tom will look further into rhis. Joyce <br />received a$75.00 donation from Hea�thPartners which was put into the general <br />fund. Tom has taken care of the IRS exemption form. <br />3. Shinmachi: There wi11 be a meeting cancerning this years student exchange on <br />Apri� 19, Pa�kview school at 7:00 PM. Mary presented a request to the Roseville <br />Community Fund for funds to support the 5hinmachi exchange. The results are <br />not known, yet. There are 4 boys and 4 girls, along with 2 adults, going to <br />Shinmachz this year. There are 2 additional adults to accompany the group to <br />Japan only. Books are already available as family gifts for Japan. Ten <br />students and 2 adults are expected to arrive here approx. Aug. 5-15. Roseville <br />leaves for �apan on July 17. <br />4. Costa Rica: There has been dif�iculty organizing a group of students to come <br />from C.R. this summer. The prospect does not look good ar this time. We are <br />still expecting a group of 15-16 year old boys basketba�� team to come this <br />summer for the Great American Shoot-Out. Expect arriva� is July 23-30. <br />Again, communications have been a great problem. Joyce wiZl be putting arti- <br />cles in the student paper and Link as mentioned ahove. Tom is organizing a <br />txip once again to C.R. for the 20d2 Presidential elections which are on Feb. <br />2-20Q2. Please contact him if you or anyone you know are interested, <br />WP 651T635-6774, HP 551-489-0779. <br />OVER <br />