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Roseville Charter Commission <br />Roseville City Hall Council Chambers <br />Minutes of Meeting of June 20, 2001 <br />Call to Order/Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Vicky Lorenz. All members <br />were present. <br />II. Minutes Bell rnoved approval of the minutes of the May 16, 2001 meeting as submitted. Motion accepted by <br />chair. <br />III. Public Comment Bruce Kennedy was given 15 minutes to present information about a system of voting <br />called znstant run-off voting, (IRV). He explained that in this vating procedure, voters are allowed first, <br />second and third choices. Those candidates receiving the least nzunber of votes are dropped consecutively; <br />assucing that the eventual winner receives a majozity of the votes cast. Mr. Kennedy suggested that it be <br />considered as an option in the charter. It could eliminat� primary elections. A bill advocating this system will <br />be introduced at the next legislative session. The chair asked that Mr. Kennedy check if it could be addressed <br />in the charter without any problems concerning legality and report back to us. <br />�V. Chapter 5-- Initiative and Referendum The update of Chapter 5 was reviewed, with the following clarifying <br />changes: <br />5.01 General Voter Authority — In the first sentence change processes to rop cess• <br />5.02 Petitions In the last sentence insert re�istered before voter. � <br />5.03 Form of Petition In the first sentence insert of the ci after voters. <br />5.06 Action on Sufficient Petition Motion by Crump that the third sentence is to read "If no election is to <br />occur wit.�in 120 days after the__final deternunation of suff'iciencv of the petition.... Motion was <br />approved all voting aye. <br />5.07 Repeai or amendment of ordinances Change accepted to effective. <br />Motion by .Tohnson to adopt Chapter 5 with the cha,nges ahove. Motion was approved on a roll ca11 vote, <br />Lorenz, nay; all others, aye. <br />3.09 When Ordinances and Resolutions Take Effect After changes made during discussion of the section, <br />Sands moved adoption of 3.09 with the following language: "Every resolution and emergency ordinance <br />shall take effect immediately upon its passage or at such later date as it specifies. Every ordinance <br />adopted by the voters of #he city shall become effective 30 days after adoption unless the ordinance <br />specifies a la#er effective date. Motion was approved on a roll call vote, all voting aye. Chapter 3 has <br />now been adopted in its entirety. <br />Chapter 6 Administration of City AfFairs All action was based on the League of Minnesota Cities model <br />charter. <br />b.Ql The_ Cit,�ger Motion by Johnson that Ron Riach research the subject of whether the city manager is <br />paid during a period of suspension. Motion was approved on a vQice vote. <br />b_02 Powers and Duties of the City Mana�er Motion by Johnson to adopt Section 6.02, striking the city clerk in <br />subdivision 3. Motion was approved on a voice vote. <br />6.03 Aclministrative Or anization Motion by Riach to adopt as stated in the model charter. Motion was <br />approved on a voice vote. See 6.U4 for additional wording for this section. <br />6.04 Subordinate Officers Motion by Johnson to elitninate tlus section. Motion was approved on a voice vote. <br />Lorenz moved a friendly amendment to 6.03, adopted by Riach, to transfer from 6.04 the provision <br />granting the city council the power to abolish offices which have been created by ordinance as it may see <br />fit. Motian was approved on a voice vote. Jack Brewer was given the assignment working out the <br />language. <br />6.05 Purchases and Contracts (This sectzon will now become 6.04) No action was iaken because of <br />uncertainty about the necessify of inciuding the provision in the second sentence which lizrtits the dollar <br />amount of purchases and contracts the city manager may approve without council consent, and whether <br />