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Roscville Chartcr Commission <br />Roseviile City Hall Council Chambers <br />Minutes of Meeting of May 16, 2001 <br />Call to Order/Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 7=00 p.m. by Chair Vicky Larenz. All mernbers <br />were prescnt. <br />II. Minutes The minutes of the meeting of April 18, 2QOi were approved as pn.nted. <br />TII. Public Corriment No one appeared for the public comment period. <br />IV. Chapter 5— Initiative and Referendum Bob Bell presented, with comments, the report of the subcommittee, <br />which met with Duke Addicks on, may 10. The subcomrnittee developed a document for Chapter 5. The <br />discussion and voting involved the subcommittee's report and the language adopted previously, which was <br />printed in thc redline version of the Model Charter da.ted 3/21/O1. All voting on chapter 5 was by roll call. <br />5.01 General Voter Authori Motion by Sobola to change the subcommittee language to "The voters of the <br />City shall have the right, in accordance with this charter, to propose ordinances by a process known as <br />initiative. These proposed ordinances may be suhmitted to a vote of the citizens by a process known as <br />refcrendum." The motion was approved, all voting aye. <br />5.02 Petitions The first sentence of this section, regarding exemptions from initiative and referendum, was <br />transferz'ed to 5.02 from 5.06, Action on Suf�cient Petition. Motion by Riach to arr�end Section S.a2 in the <br />subcommittee report to: A petition for an initiative to modify or repeal an ordinance adopted by the City <br />Council or by a previous refcrcndum shall be signed by 10°/Q of the registered voters of the City as of the date af <br />`hc submission of the petition. AlI Q.�her petitians for an initiative shall he signed by 5% of the voters of the <br />City as of the date of the subrnission of the petition. Moti.on was approved. Bell, Brewer and Sands, nay; all <br />others aye. <br />5.03 Form of Petition Johnson moved the adoption of Section 5.03 as it appears in the redline version dated <br />3/21/01, adding "registcred" before voter in the first sentence; striking required by section 5_OS or 5.06/S.Qb or <br />S.Q7 as the case may be and substituting "giving the exact text of the proposed ordinance, and changing resident <br />to "registered voter" in sentence 5. Motion was approved. Bell and Sands, nay; all others, aye. This section <br />includes language allowing petition signers to withdraw their names. <br />5.04 Detertnination of Sufficienc & <br />5.05 Disposiiion of Insufficient Petition Motion by Lorenz to adopt Sections S.Q4 and S.OS as stated in the <br />redline version of the Model Charter dated 3/21/O1. Motion was approved, all voting aye. <br />5.06 Action on Sufficien� Petition (new title; old title: Initiative) Motion by Sands to adopt 5.06 as stated in <br />the Model Charter with friendly amendments graciously accepted and others suggested by the mover as follows: <br />1) Move the firsl sentence (listing exemptions &om initiative and referendum} to Section 5.02, omitting <br />which shall state at the head of each pa�;e or attached thereto the exact text of the proposed ordinance. <br />(This provision appears in 5.03, Form of Petition} <br />2) New sentence 1 to begin: "If the council deternunes that the petition is sufficient and passes the <br />proposed ordinance... <br />3) Delete entire Section 5.07 Referendum on redlinc dated 3/21/Q1. <br />4) Change the titie to Action on Sufficient Petition. <br />Motion was approved; ail votin� ay�. <br />5.07 Re eal or Arnendment of Ordinances (Section 5.05 on subcommittee report.} Motion by Johnson to adopt <br />Section 5.05 on the subcommittee report as Section 5.07. Motion was approved, all voting ayc. <br />