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Testimony of Professor David Schultz, Hamline <br />Utuversity befare the Sennte IIection Laws Commit#ee <br />on Initiadve and Referendum <br />March 9, 2008 <br />CLairman Marty Pmd Membexs o£ <br />the Senate Election Laws Committea: <br />My name is David Schultz and I am a professor m the Graduate School of Public Administration �d <br />Management at Hamljne Univers�tywheze I�each, among othar things, a course in Govemment Ethics. <br />I am also an adjunct professor of Iaw at the University of 1VI'�nnesota whera I teach a class on election <br />iaw. <br />I ara here to tesrtify against a praposal for a constitutional amendment to permit uutiative and <br />referendnm in tha state of Minnesota. <br />Introduction <br />Initiative and refereudum ara often presented by its supporters as tools of populis�a that lat the people <br />decide. Unfortunately, for tha most part, initiative and rafarendum have not been tools of the pea�le <br />bnt anather way for big monoy �td special intorests to thwart tlie will of tho peoplo. <br />Money Spent for Ini�atives <br />and Referenda Cannot be Wnited <br />One lessom m�any of ns have leamed over ti�e last 25 years siuce Watergate is haw mouey <br />in tlae political systemhas a cortos�ve impact upon the political process. Recogni�ug tltat impact, over <br />the last 25 years M'innesota has enacted si�ufiicant legslation to iimit the impact that money plays iu <br />the political procass. Were initiative and referendu�oa enaoted, these cantpaigu fm�ce laws would <br />Uecoma moot. Why? <br />In its 1978 decision First ��'ational Bank �-. Bellothi the United State Supreme Court declared tliat <br />inoney on Uallot initiatives was core political speech aud that efforts to place limits ou the amouut of <br />maney spent or contribnted for these purposes r�vas tmcoustitntional. More isnportaudy, the Court <br />stated in Bellvtli that liuuts on corporate spendiug �iolated the Fust Amendmeut. <br />The importance of Bellotli for Muuiesota is twofold First, were initiative wd referendunu enacted. <br />the state cot�ld not liinit tha ainonut of money spent vy any party. Second, wliile Miuuesota has had <br />a bau on coiporat� political spending dating back over 80 years, that ban could uot be applied to Ual�ot <br />initiatives. Hence, adoption of initiative and re£erendum would open au enonnous hoie in out existing <br />