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N��ow�L <br />14 1 MODEL C1TY CHARTER <br />Sect�on 2.10. independent Audit. <br />The city council shall providc for an independent annual audit of <br />all city accounts and may provide for more frequent audits as it deems <br />necessary. Such audits shall be made by a certified public accountant <br />or firm of such accountants who have no personal interest, direcc or <br />indirecc, in che fiscal affalts of the city governrnent or any of its of�cers, <br />The council rr�ay, without requiring competitive bids, designate such <br />accountant or firm annually or for a period not exceeding three years, <br />but the designation for any particular fiscal year shall be made no later <br />than 30 days after the beginning of such fiscal year. If the state makes <br />such an audit, the council may accept it as satisfying che requirements <br />of this section, <br />Section 2.11. Procedure. <br />(a) Meetings. The �ouncil shaii meet regularly at least on�e in ev- <br />ery month a[ such times and places as the covncii may pres�ribe by <br />rule, Special meetings may be held on the call of the mayor or of <br />or more members and, whenever practicable, upon no less than twel��e <br />hours notice to each member, Except as allowed by sta[e law, all meet- <br />ings shall be public; however, �he council may recess for the purpose <br />of discussing in a elosed or executive session limited to its own mem- <br />hership any maccer which would tend [o defame or prejadice the charac- <br />ter or reputation of any person, if the general suhject matter for <br />consideracion is expressed in the mocion ealling for such session and <br />fina1 aetion on 5ueh motion is not talcen by the council until thc mat- <br />ter is placed on the agenda. <br />(b) Rules aad Journal. Tl�e city �ounci! shall determine its oa�n <br />rul�s and c>rdrr of business and shall prc�vidc fc�r kceping a journal of <br />its praecedings, Thi� journal shall hc: a public reeord. <br />{e) Votlag. Voting, eacept on proceclura1 motions, shall be b}' roll <br />call and the ayes and nays shall be recorded in the journal, mem- <br />hers of the cc�uneil �hal! cunstitute a quorum, but a smaller numhrr <br />may adjourn from timG to time and ma�� compel �he attendanc� of ab- <br />sent members in the manner nnd subject ta the penalties prescribrd <br />b�� �he rules of thr council, ho action of the council, except as other- <br />���ise provided in thr preceding srntrnce and in §2.UG, shall br ��alid <br />or binding unless adop[rd b�� the af'firmati�•c �•otc uf or morr <br />members of the cauncil, <br />cir�r couNCit i �s <br />Section 2.�2. Action Requiring an Ordinaace. <br />In ac'�' ion to other a�ts required by law or by speclfic Qrovislon of <br />this �h:S .' to be done by ordinance, those acts of the city couaci! shail <br />be by ordinance which: , <br />(1) Adopt or amend an admfnistra�ivc code or establish, alter, <br />or abolish any city department, office or agency; <br />'2) Provide for a fine or other penalty or establlsh a rule or <br />regulation foc violation of which a fine ar other penaity <br />is imposed; <br />(;) Levy taxes; <br />(�3) Grant, rene�v or extend a franchise; <br />�(5) Regulate the rate charged for its services by a pubiic utility; <br />(6) Authorize the borrawing of money; <br />(7) Convey or lease or authorize the conveyance or lease oF <br />any lands of the cit��; <br />-- (8) Regulate land use and develapment; and <br />(9) .�mend or repeal any ordinance previously adopted. <br />Acts other ihan those referred to in the preccding sentence may be <br />done either by ordinance or b�� rrsolution. <br />Section 2.13. Ordinances in General. <br />(a) Form. Every proposed ordinan�e shall be in[raduced iri wriiing <br />and in che Form requirrd for final adoption. �o ordinance shall con- <br />tain more than one subjeet �cvhich shall be clearl)� eapressed in iss title. <br />1'he enacting clausc shall be "The cit}� of hereby ordains ..,." <br />An}� ordinance �ti�hich repeals or amends an rxisting ordinance or part <br />of the citv code shali set out in fuli the ordinance, sections or subsec� <br />tions to be repe:�lecS or lmrncled, at�d shall inclic:�te matters ta be omit- <br />ted k�}' enclosing it i�3 br,�ckc[s or b�� strikeoui typc and snall indicatc <br />nrw mattrrs by unciers��ring or hy italics. <br />(b) Procedure. An ordinance may be introducrd b}� an}� member ac <br />;im� regular or special merti�g of the council. L'pon introduction of <br />an�� c�rdinancr, the cicy clerk shall distrit�utr a cop}• to each council- <br />membcr and to the rit}� managec, shall filr a recisonable numher of co- <br />pirs in the of�ce of the cit�� clrrk and such othrr public placrs as the <br />cuuneil nia}• cirsignate, :ind sh:tll ��ublish �hr circlinlnee togrther n•ith <br />a notic� srttin�; c�ut thr time anc� �la�r for a puk�lic hearing thrreon <br />a�id for its considrration h�• the couRril. The public hearing shail fo!- <br />lon� the publication b�� at leas[ sc�•en da}•s, rna�� bc held separatel�� or <br />