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with the city clerk, is convicted of a felony, ceases io reside in the city, or is adjudged <br />incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction. In each such case the council shall by <br />resolution declare the vacancy to exist and shall forthwith appoint an eligible perso� to <br />fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired ternz. <br />Section 2.06. The mayor. <br />The mayor shall preside at meetings of the council and sha11 have a vote as a <br />member. The couucil sha11 choose frotn its tztembers a president pro tem who shall hold <br />office at the pleasure of the council. He or she shall serve as president in the mayor's <br />absence and as mayor in case of the mayor's disability or absence from the city. The <br />mayor shall be recognized as head of the city governtn.ent for aIl ceremonial purposes, by <br />the courts for the purpose of serving civil process, and by the governor for purposes of <br />martial law, but he ar she shall have no administra#ive duties. <br />Section 2.07. Salaries. <br />The mayor and councilmen sha11 receive such compensation as is fixed by t�.e <br />council in accordance law. The city manager and a11 subordinate officers and <br />emplayees of the ciiy shall receive such salaries or wages as may be fixed by the council. <br />092000.doc 4 <br />