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2000_0621_minutes_Charter Comm
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Charter Commission
2000_0621_minutes_Charter Comm
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Roseville Charter Commission <br />Roseviile City Hall Council Chambers <br />Minutes of Meeting of June 21, 2040 <br />I. Call to Order/Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />Present: AlI mcmbers were present. <br />II. Approval of Minutes: A1 Sands requested that the public comment section of the May l6, 2000 minutes <br />show ihat four of the five speakers expressed support for the home rule charter. The txunutes then stood <br />approved. <br />II�. Jim Button, Woodbury Charter Commission Chair: Mr. Button recou�xted the experience of the Woodbu:ry <br />Charter Comtxzission, which began its work at the begitu�ng of 1993 and was dissolved two years later <br />without developing a charter. The process was very similar to ours. It included broadcasts of commission <br />meetings, working with thc League of Minnesota Cities, arid efforts to involve the public in the discussion. <br />Because of lack of input frorn citizens, the target date for reaching a decision on whether to develop a <br />charter within a year was moved up and the commission votcd against it. Each commissioner was asked to <br />write a position paper on his/her decision. These arc available from Marga.ret Driscoll at City Hall. <br />Following this decision, the commission sent a suminary of its findings to the Woodbury City Council and <br />held workshops with Council members about changes that could be made. <br />N. Represeniatives from Fridley: Deb Skoen, City Clerk; Suzanne Wasren, Charter Commissio.n chair; and <br />Char Fitzpatrick, Commissioner, carne to discuss the meeting topic — wards and odd-even year elections. <br />Fridley's charter was cstablished in 1957 and has added 20 amcndmcnts since then. Fridley has twclve <br />precincts divided into th�ree wards, with one council member elected from each ward and one council <br />member at large. Voter turnout in 1998 was 78%. The turnout in a citizen-originated referendttt�a �ast year <br />was 15%, Fridley has an active charter comrnission currently rewriting sections of the charter dealing with <br />vacancies on the council and initiative ar�d referendum. An ongoing review is in prog:ress to make sure the <br />charter conforms to state statutes. Sozne spending limits are more restrictive #han those allowed by the <br />state. <br />V. Representatives from Richf eld: Tom Ferber, city clerk and election administrator. Richfield's charter was <br />adopted in i9b4 and their council structure is s�milar to Fridley's. Their voter tumout was b5-70% in even <br />years and 10-30% in odd years. They have same caps for capital improvemcnt projects. <br />Representative from both cities ageed on several points: their ward system does not result in <br />parochialism; voter turnout is much greater in even-year elections; the cost of running elections was not <br />much different for even or odd year elections, the greatest expense being for election judge salaries. <br />VI. Public Comment: Three persons appeared to spcak to the commission. <br />Joyce Engelbert, School Board election official %r the Roseville School District, Ms. Engelbert expressed <br />sirong support for odd-year elections, citing the need for strong candidates for the school board. She <br />maintained that their campaigns would be lost amid campaigns for national, state, judicza� and local <br />elections in even-numbered years. <br />Geor�eann.Hall commented on the need to consider holding special elections during general elections. <br />John Kysylyczyn, Mayor of Roseville, discussed issues that could be addressed in a charter: campaign <br />expenditures; consistency in city council minntes and the structure of council meetings, particularly in <br />regard �o public comment. He cited, as the main reason for inconsistency is rule changes made whcn new <br />officials aze elected. <br />
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