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<br />Roseville City Council <br />Minutes of 1/29/07 Pg 21 of 38 <br />Gottfried for a one year tern1 through March 31, 2008, to the two vacancies <br />on the City's Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Roe; Kough; Pust; Ihlan and Klausing. <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing thanked all applicants for their applications and interest in <br />servmg. <br /> <br />12. Consider Applicants to Re-Appoint, Applicants to Interview and When <br />to Interview Applicants to City Commissions <br />This item was delayed for discussion and consideration for a meeting in Feb- <br />ruary. <br /> <br />13. Request by Art Mueller for a Preliminary Plat to create Four Lots and a <br />Cul-de-Sac Street at 2201 Acorn Road (PF3791) <br />Community Development Director John Stark reviewed the request of Art <br />Mueller for subdivision of his 1.9 acre parcel into four single-family resi- <br />dentiallots served by a public street (cul-de-sac) and public utilities. Mr. <br />Stark noted that the proposal complied with all current code requirements <br />and did not require Comprehensive Land Use Map designation amendment <br />or rezonmg. <br /> <br />Mr. Stark advised that, at their regular November 2006, meeting, the Plan- <br />ning Commission had held a Public Hearing and on a 6/0 vote, recom- <br />mended approval of the Preliminary Plat, subject to conditions, as outlined <br />and further amended in the staff report dated January 29,2007. <br /> <br />City Attorney Anderson spoke to the moratorium currently in place, and ad- <br />vised that this project, as filed prior to the moratorium, was excluded from <br />the moratorium. <br /> <br />Mr. Stark and City Engineer Deb Bloom responded to Council questions, <br />comments and discussion. Discussion included specific conditions as out- <br />lined; storm water management and drainage easements; location and pro- <br />posed moving of existing home and garage; City Code requirements and <br />permitting requirements and the process; definition and issues under consid- <br />eration for Preliminary Plat approval versus Final Plat approval at a later <br />