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<br />Roseville City Council <br />Minutes of 1/29/07 Pg 23 of 38 <br /> <br />Gary Boryczka, 2250 Acorn Road <br />Mr. Boryczka addressed the relocation of the existing home and garage; <br />questioned how the homes would be situated and where their frontage would <br />be in comparison to their side yard setbacks; his interpretation of City Code, <br />Section 1004.04F3(?); opined that the road right-of-way was not correctly <br />shown on the plat map, and was not wide enough; submission of two drain- <br />age plans; and addressed stipulations from City code and his interpretations <br />of stipulations. <br /> <br />Ms. Bloom responded to Mr. Boryczka's interpretation of the roadway as <br />presented; and clarified City standards. City Attorney Anderson clarified <br />that a Preliminary Plat was a concept or idea for splitting the lot under code <br />provisions to provide buildable lots; followed by the developer proceeding <br />with platting the land for Final Plat approval, including an approved storm <br />water drainage plan; building ofthe roads to specifications prior to Final Plat <br />approval. Mr. Anderson discussed the need to move the house in order to <br />build the road, thus negating the proposal. Mr. Stark concurred, further de- <br />tailing the normal permitting process followed as the project develops. <br /> <br />Ms. Bloom noted that the storm sewer and road would be public, and the de- <br />veloper would need to provide an easement or provide an option for on-site <br />storm water management, in accordance with a Public Improvement Con- <br />tract between the City and the Developer, at 100% the developer's cost; and <br />noted other feasible solutions for development of the project. <br /> <br />Mr. Boryczka further discussed drainage and storm water pond management <br />by the City, access, and liability; a current study of this area by the Univer- <br />sity of Minnesota on air quality and impacts to the land by redevelopment; <br />tree preservation; his rationale why the project shouldn't be built. <br /> <br />Mr. Boryczka concluded by opining that the developer needed to present his <br />plans in detail at this time, not at the time of Final Plat approval; and opined <br />that the entire project didn't make sense, and should not be at the proposed <br />density. Mr. Boryczka further alleged that a neighbor had been misled as to <br />the time of the meeting, anticipating that February 12, 2007, was the date <br />originally scheduled. <br /> <br />George LeTendre, 2121 W County Road B <br />