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<br />Roseville City Council <br />Minutes of 1/29/07 Pg 25 of 38 <br />Discussion ensued, with City Attorney Anderson clarifying, implications of <br />the moratorium, and requirements under State Statute 462.358 dealing with <br />subdivisions for municipalities; and requirements for a municipality to make <br />a decision within 120 days, with tonight being the last meeting before that <br />time had expired, thus the last opportunity for action. <br /> <br />The applicant, Mr. Mueller was present. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned Mr. Mueller as to whether he had acquired <br />a drainage easement, to which Mr. Mueller responded, "no." <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough expressed to Mr. Mueller his personal concerns re- <br />garding the proposed development, and whether he would reduce the density <br />and character of the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Mr. Mueller advised that with three lots, they would be long, narrow lots <br />rather than the proposed Yz acre lots; with long driveways; and more trees <br />lost. Mr. Mueller opined that the homes he's proposing would improve the <br />neighborhood economically and aesthetically. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing closed public comment. <br /> <br />Ihlan moved, Kough seconded, denial of the Preliminary Plat as proposed. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued, and City Attorney Anderson recommending, the need for <br />findings of fact to support denial of the proposal. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan prefaced her findings by opining that this proposed <br />development was one of the motivating factors for the moratorium study; <br />and should be taken into consideration. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan presented the following findings of fact, based on City <br />Code, Section 1102.03 adopted in 1956, related to health, safety and general <br />welfare considerations; opining that many unanswered questions needed <br />resolution as well: <br />I) Insufficiency of the cul-de-sac design, which was proposed as private at <br />first, and following Council concerns, was now proposed as a public cul- <br />de-sac against the previous clear message of the City Council's lack of <br />support (i.e., dimensions, traffic and turns onto street; creation of public <br />